Maduro threatened the Spanish government after the visit of European Foreign Minister Arancha González Laya to Cúcuta


Venezuela's dictator, Nicolás Maduro
Venezuela’s dictator, Nicolás Maduro

Nicolás Maduro threatened this Saturday to question all relations with Spain considering an attack the visit of the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Arancha González Laya, in the Colombian city of Cúcuta, which borders the Venezuelan state of Táchira.

“We are going to thoroughly review all relations with Spain, at all levels, enough aggression”, said the Chavist dictator.

“We have warned the Spanish government in time, our Minister of Foreign Affairs (Jorge Arreaza) warned the Spanish government in time, we will respond forcefully to any aggression that will come, whether in word, in action, be diplomatic, whether it is political “added.

Maduro’s decision comes in the context of González Laya’s visit to Cúcuta, the main port of entry into Colombia for the tens of thousands of Venezuelans leaving their country.

According to official data, In Colombia, there are at least 1,748,000 Venezuelans, which makes this nation the main destination for the more than five million people who have left the oil-producing country to flee the socialist crisis.

Some of these migrants settled in Cúcuta, a city bordering the Venezuelan state of Táchira.

In this city, the head of the Spanish diplomacy and her Colombian counterpart, Claudia Blum, visited a hospital and a UNICEF refuge which takes care of Venezuelan migrants.

After these activities, the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs declared, from the land border post of Cúcuta, which connects Colombia and Venezuela, that she was in the city to try to “give an answer” to the Venezuelan migrants.

Spanish Foreign Minister Arancha González Laya during an interview with Efe this Saturday in Bogotá (Colombia).
Spanish Foreign Minister Arancha González Laya during an interview with Efe this Saturday in Bogotá (Colombia).

“I am not here to criticize Venezuela or to teach Venezuela”He said after considering that the expulsion of the ambassador of the European Union in Caracas, Isabel Brilhante, does not help in the work of dialogue to resolve the Venezuelan political crisis.

“I am here to try, together with the international community, to provide a response to Venezuelan citizens who have decided to leave their country and come to Colombia in search of a better life.”he claimed.

But Maduro viewed González Laya’s visit to Cúcuta as an attack and asked him to leave Latin America.

“What is the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs doing on the Colombian border with Venezuela instead of going to the Mediterranean (sea) to look for refugees and people fleeing Africa? Why did Spain’s foreign minister come to meddle in Venezuela’s affairs? Why are you going directly to Cúcuta to speak out against Venezuela? “, he wondered.

Protest Note

Last Wednesday, the Maduro regime handed protest notes to the head of the Spanish mission in Venezuela, Juan Fernández Trigo, as well as French, Dutch and German diplomats, according to local media. The National.

In addition to the respective protest notes, diplomats received from Chavista Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza a copy of the Constitution and the Charter of the United Nations (UN), documents which, according to the government, do not have been respected by certain European executives. .

Arreaza assured that Venezuela had released the protest notes considering that “it is these four governments that have acted with the greatest malicious intent to promote further attacks”, alluding to the new EU sanctions against 19 Venezuelans, including including deputies and officials of the condition.


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