Maduro’s dictatorship militarizes Caracas: it mobilized anti-aircraft batteries of Russian origin in the midst of the fight against criminal gangs


The Nicolás Maduro dictatorship has deployed anti-aircraft batteries in the vicinity of Cota 905, El Valle, El Cementerio, Santa Rosalía, Roca Tarpeya and La Vega, in Caracas (Photo Courtesy NTN24)
The Nicolás Maduro dictatorship has deployed anti-aircraft batteries in the vicinity of Cota 905, El Valle, El Cementerio, Santa Rosalía, Roca Tarpeya and La Vega, in Caracas (Photo Courtesy NTN24)

To show that he is trying to control the dramatic situation in the Venezuelan capital, the dictatorship who drives Nicolas maduro has deployed anti-aircraft batteries in recent hours for fear that the clash he has with criminal gangs from Caracas extends beyond the limits of the earth. The NTN24 channel broadcast images of tanks entering the most dangerous areas of the city: Cota 905, El Valle, El Cementerio, Santa Rosalía, Roca Tarpeya Yes The Vega.

Medium-range air defense systems “Buk-M2E“Are of Russian descent and can be seen walking the streets of Caracas without their missiles, which are usually carried in another military vehicle. It is designed to destroy strategic and tactical aircraft, helicopters, including floating helicopters, cruise missiles and other aerodynamic flying objects, in the full range of its possible use, aeronautical and ballistic tactical missiles, guided by aerial bombs in intense electronics and enemy reaction to fire conditions, as well as for firing radio and contrast targets on the surface and on the ground.

However, according to experts, in some cases this type of war material could have a “versatile function”. It is also not excluded that Miraflores Palace made psychological use of the deployment of the Buk and then maintains that it did so to avoid any foreign entry into the country. It would not be the first time that the dictatorship is hiding in this story to justify the militarization of the country.

During the operations which began in the morning hours, the regime also showed the hijackings of powerful weapons they carried out in multiple raids. Among them is an M20 Super Bazooka, a .50 caliber ammunition used to counter armor, 7.62×51 ammo boxes (around 760 rounds), a bucket with ammunition for AK-103 and MPi.


The Special Action Forces (FAES), armed wing of the Chavist regime known to have committed crimes such as extrajudicial killings, They entered this Friday morning in the hills of Cota 905, stronghold of criminal gangs led by Carlos Luis Recete, alias “Koki”, that in the last few hours he is waging an open war against the police in different parts of the city and has attacked the headquarters of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB).

“Make history, Operation People’s Liberation, Cota 905, we are coming to the fight”, One of the officers is heard with his camera recording the climb of an armored vehicle which moves a car parked on the street going up the hill.

This is how the FAES entered the Cota 905

Between screams and calls for help, the vehicle must back up and avoid colliding with the side of the hill, then continue to advance with the infantry unit following. “Let’s go ahead,” celebrates the soldier following her. From his point of view, the panorama of a cloudy Caracas is appreciated, not only because of the cloudy sky but also because of a smoke rising from the top of the hill as the security force unit climbs.

The dialogue between them continues, they point to probable places “taken” and the video cuts when they cautiously resume their walk between the surrounding precarious houses and the side of the hill. Although the men in uniform try to make their raid an epic, many Caracas residents remember that this is not the first time it has been conducted. The last time was a little over a month ago, following an operation in which “photos were taken and they left”, according to sources in the region.

The first information is that there are 800 agents mobilized for this operation, who seeks to regain control of a city that was engulfed in terror on Thursday.

FAES officials in Cota 905, in the morning of this Friday
FAES officials in Cota 905, in the morning of this Friday

Citywide attacks

During the night and in the early morning of this Friday, shootings took place in different neighborhoods of the Venezuelan capital. There was a blackout in the Cota 905 area, attributed to a strategy of the security forces to complicate logistics for criminals. The exchange of gunfire intensified after a power outage after midnight in areas where criminals operate.

The armed crossing began on Wednesday afternoon and maintains high tension throughout the western area of ​​Caracas. Information processed until Thursday afternoon reported eight dead, although regime authorities have remained silent on the death toll and wounded. At least two of the deceased are police officers.

An injured in the streets of Caracas, images repeated on social networks that record the violence in the Venezuelan capital
An injured in the streets of Caracas, images repeated on social networks that record the violence in the Venezuelan capital

The story of the neighbors who take refuge or hide under the windows of their houses shivers down your spine: “Gunshots are ringing (…) gunshots are ringing right now”, described by phone Efe a 23-year-old man from the Prados de María area who prefers not to be identified for fear of reprisals.

At this moment, the GNB was in one of the avenues facing the gangs and was pulling forward to reclaim space.

Images of the clashes, many of which are blurry and more focused on the sound of machine guns dominating the atmosphere in the part of the city they are fighting in, is on the rise on social media, testifying to the desperation of residents to report on the anguish caused by the level of violence they are subjected to.

Criminals set fire to the entrance to the Hotel Novo in El Paraíso, Caracas

Attack on the Bolivarian National Guard

The impact of Thursday afternoon was the offensive against the headquarters of the general command of the Bolivarian National Guard in El Paraíso, in the Venezuelan capital.

The event was recorded in a video recorded from inside the military headquarters. In the footage, several soldiers are hiding behind barricades made of sandbags, and dozens of gunfire can be heard.

The attack was carried out by Revete, alias “Koki”, for whom the Chavist authorities are offering a reward of half a million dollars, as well as for Garbis Ochoa Ruíz, alias “El Galvis”, and by Carlos Calderón Martínez, alias “El Vampi”.


Power cut and more shootings: another night of violence in Caracas due to clash between police and criminal gangs
Who is Carlos Luis Revete, alias “Koki”, the leader of the criminal gang which terrorizes Caracas and which Chavismo cannot control
Chavist dictatorship fails to control Caracas: criminal gangs attacked National Guard headquarters, 8 dead already

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