Maduro’s Gold Road: They revealed the plan the dictatorship put in place to top up their reserves and get $ 1,000 million


Venezuelan opponent Julio Borges, commissioner for external relations in the interim government of Juan Guaidó (EFE / Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda / File)
Venezuelan opponent Julio Borges, commissioner for external relations in the interim government of Juan Guaidó (EFE / Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda / File)

The government of the interim president of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, revealed on Wednesday details of the systematic plan of the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro to illegally sell gold from national reserves and thus finance the regime within the framework of strong international sanctions.

In a declaration signed by Julio Borges, presidential commissioner for external relations of the Guaidó government, he makes a “Conspiracy that funded Maduro’s regime with up to $ 1 billion in 2020” and in which entities of United Arab Emirates (USA) and Russia.

In this regard, Borges called for more investigations and sactions for individuals and countries which made it possible to carry out the plan, which “liquidates Venezuela’s gold reserves and mortgages the future of the next generations of Venezuelans”.

The investigation lasted about a year and found that UAE finance company Noor Capital is said to be at the center of the deal. In this regard, the statement said that large sums of money left the United Arab Emirates for Venezuela to be exchanged for Venezuelan gold, and that financial institutions in the Arab country were used as intermediaries to finance the ‘surgery.

The Gold Route by Nicolás Maduro (Interim Government of Venezuela)
The Gold Route by Nicolás Maduro (Interim Government of Venezuela)

“The Maduro regime has been able to survive thanks to the network of unscrupulous individuals and businesses around the world who often, with the consent of their national government, help finance the repression and misery of Venezuelans. We seek to hold accountable the facilitators of corruption and repression of the Maduro regime, ”Borges said in the statement.

More specificly, the cycle of the illicit sale of Venezuelan gold has started in Moscow, still according to the investigation of the interim government of Venezuela, when a Boeing 757-200 charter plane from the company Eurofei, associated with the Presidential Kremlin fleet, I was leaving for Bamako airport in Mali.

In a synchronized manner, A UAE plane loaded with cash was taking off to join the Russian ship in Bamako, where the money was transferred to Eurofei 757-200.

From Mali The Russian plane was then flying to Maiquetía International Airport, near Caracas, where he unloaded the money and was made with Venezuela’s gold reserves, loaded in passenger luggage, and always in the middle of the night.

Then the 757 returned to Bamako, where he returned to exchange charges with the UAE plane, now intended to bring gold to the United Arab Emirates and sometimes to other destinations such as Libya or Switzerland.

File photo of Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro touching a pile of gold bars during a press conference at Miraflores Palace in Caracas (REUTERS / Marco Bello)
File photo of Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro touching a pile of gold bars during a press conference at Miraflores Palace in Caracas (REUTERS / Marco Bello)

“Sometimes, the gold was sent to a refinery near Bamako airport, where its traceability is eliminated and other times, it is sent directly to the United Arab Emirates, ”the statement said.

In total, they followed at least 8 such trips made in 2020. It is not known whether and how often these flights continued until 2021.

Only on one of these recorded occasions It was reported that the UAE plane delivered 28 suitcases to the Russians with around 51 million euros in cash to be brought to Venezuela.

In addition to Noor Capital, Another central figure in the project is the French Olivier Couriol, Former employee of this Emirati firm and linked to numerous corrupt operations in Africa. Other French people, not yet identified, have also participated in these activities.

“This week, I provided ample evidence of our investigation to the United States Congress, the United States Treasury Office for Foreign Assets Control, and the United States Department of State and I encouraged them to investigate everyone involved and take appropriate action. TWe will also share information with European authorities. If the sanctions against Maduro’s regime have been violated, those involved should be sanctioned for their actions, ”Borges concluded.


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