Maduro's new threat: ordered the army to capture the "traitors"


It's an order: capture it immediately! "Warned the Bolivarian in an act with the military high command Credit: DPA

CARACAS.- Yesterday, the same day as the
President in charge of


Juan Guaidó,

He toughened his speech towards the military and demanded once again that they stand on the side of the people and give up
Chavismo, the Bolivarian

Nicolás Maduro

He launched a threat and asked the officers who are always at his side to stop the "traitors" that they found.

"If a traitor emerges, you must capture him immediately, it's an order: capture him immediately!", He warned.
Ripe during an act with the military high command and 12,000 soldiers in the state Carabobo, in the north-central of the country.

The president's threat appears to be a response to the opposition leader's request that once Maduro finds himself without the support of the majority of the armed forces, his departure will be simple.

Similarly, the socialist leader called to "activate" the "weapon systems (…) to make any adventure impossible to imperialism", with reference to

United States,

this imposed financial sanctions on Venezuela and ensured that "all options are on the table" to end the political crisis, including military action.

"We are not subordinates of the gringos, we must be ready 24 hours to defend the right to peace, let us prepare to defend peace, let us prepare to activate our weapons systems, to make it impossible to Imperialism Any adventure on our land … Victory must always be peace with sovereignty, freedom, independence, freedom, equality, "added Maduro, dressed in a light shirt and dark trousers.

"Either we advance the rebels towards freedom, or we go back 300 years for a new colonialism, a new slavery, the darkest darkness of the imperial domain on these lands that could write stories," he said. declared.

On April 30, Guaidó, leader of the opposition-recognized majority parliament for the post of president in charge of Venezuela for a hundred countries, led a rebellion at an air base in Caracas that failed due to lack of military support. Following the uprising, 14 deputies from the opposition were charged. One of them, the Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Edgar Zambrano, was arrested and the others are refugees in diplomatic or clandestine places.

Since he was proclaimed president on January 23 after the badembly declared Maduro "usurper", Guaidó has consistently called on the armed forces to turn their backs on Chavez.

However, in the act of yesterday, dubbed "March for Fidelity", broadcast by the public television channel, the major military leaders have ratified their support for the Bolivarian party. Here too, Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino declared the "sublime loyalty of the armed forces to the laws, the Constitution and our Commander-in-Chief", as well as the "legacy" of the former deceased president.

Hugo Chavez

(1999-2013). After the declaration of Padrino, chariots fired salvos in the honor of Chavez.

It's an order: capture it immediately!
It's an order: capture it immediately! "Warned the Bolivarian in an act with the military high command Credit: DPA

AFP and ANSA agencies


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