Maduro’s regime raised the fine El Nacional newspaper owes Diosdado Cabello to $ 30 million


View of the rotating machines, where the newspaper El Nacional is printed, in Caracas (Venezuela).  EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez / Archives
View of the rotating machines, where the newspaper El Nacional is printed, in Caracas (Venezuela). EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez / Archives

Nicolás Maduro’s regime has raised the compensation for “moral damage” that the newspaper El Nacional has to pay to the number two of the Chavismo, Diosdado Cabello, from 13 to 30 million dollars., reported this Thursday the media itself, which attached a photo of the notification of the execution of the embargo.

“It’s no longer $ 13.36 million. Now El Nacional must pay Diosdado Cabello $ 30.05 million in moral damages, according to the third court of first instance in civil, commercial, road and banking matters of the judicial district of the metropolitan region of Caracas, “the newspaper wrote. on its website page.

The newspaper, which today only has a digital edition, attached a photo of the sentencing notified to it.

The information notified to the newspaper “is included in the communication in which the forced execution of the embargo is notified to the headquarters of El Nacional due to the expiration ofAccording to the court, the delays given to the accused to comply voluntarily with the sentence, ”added El Nacional.

On April 16, the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) ruled that the Venezuelan newspaper must pay Cabello 237,000 petros at the day’s trade-in value, which was $ 13,369,170.

The petro is a cryptocurrency launched by Nicolás Maduro in 2018 and that it is sanctioned by the United States.

The vice-president of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello.  EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez / Archives
The vice-president of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello. EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez / Archives

Cabello, now a member of the Venezuelan parliament, sued El Nacional in August 2015, after the newspaper reproduced information from the Spanish newspaper ABC, which indicated that Chavist leader has been investigated by the United States for his links to drug trafficking.

The 2015 article only quoted information from The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) Yes ABC, and this information then published has not only been denied, but has been ratified, in the years since then.

The NationalHe published an article by ABC signed by Emili J. Blasco and titled “USA: there is a constant link between Cabello and drug trafficking”. Then there were more follow-up articles. For reasons not yet completely clear, these articles, which triggered the fury of the Chavist leader, are no longer available on the newspaper’s website. On the other hand, it is possible to find the original survey of the WSJ and the article of ABC which he reproduced on his pages.

On May 14, the Venezuelan courts decreed an embargo on the headquarters of the newspaper El Nacional, founded in 1943, as part of the compensation package.

The editorial advisor of the prestigious media, Alba Sánchez, criticized the violent manner in which the Chavist dictatorship took by force the premises of the newspaper and denounced that the measure It is part of “a personal satisfaction of Diosdado Cabello”.

The cover of El Nacional from January 28, 2015, showing the note that angered Cabello.
The cover of El Nacional from January 28, 2015, showing the note that angered Cabello.

In conversation with Infobae, the journalist underlined that the arbitrary execution which led the officials of the dictatorship to seize the building, responds to a personalized action in which the vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela “He is using his power within the party and the institutions run by the regime to achieve these results.

The order was then issued by the Fourth Ordinary Municipality Court and Executor of Measures of the Judicial District of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Caracas.

The notification sent to El Nacional states that “an executive embargo measure on the property belonging to the defendant is decreed until the amount in bolivars equivalent to 533,250 petros is covered, an amount which must be calculated according to the value of the petro at the time of actual payment. “

This “includes double the amount condemned plus the procedural costs calculated by this court at 25%, and which amount to 59,250 petros, an amount already included in the previous one”.

El Nacional pointed out that the 533,250 petros are equivalent to 93.88 billion bolivars or $ 30.05 million, while the costs of the proceedings amount to 10.43 billion bolivars or 3.33 million dollars, according to information published by the newspaper.

With information from the EFE


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