Maestra has been jailed for drunkenly abusing a student and Chronic


A 25-year-old girl who worked as a substitute teacher at a school in the US city of Baltimore went to the police after accusations that she tried to make a high school student drink bad.

The student, whose identity was not disclosed for protection, broke the pact of silence that they had had between the two for not disclosing any information regarding this case and denounced it on 4 June.

The action of the woman was considered a fourth degree badual offense, an offense punishable by up to one year's imprisonment and qualifying the offender as a delinquent badual.

According to the survey, everything would have started last May when Mercedes Boeberg and the teenager, they exchanged their phone numbers. From that moment, the meetings between the two were almost daily.

Mercedes Boeberg will be hired as a bad offender.

The police claimed that during these meetings, the 25-year-old teacher and her student had participated in various badual activities in which alcoholic beverages were almost never lacking.

"It happened elsewhere, outside the premises of the school, the teacher had first contacted the student by sending him a phone number." Some text messages were blocked and over time they both developed a romantic relationship. until the student decides to go to the police "said the officials in a statement.

After the North County High School authorities became aware of the scandal, it was decided to dismiss Boberg.

"People who take advantage of students simply do not belong in our school system"said Bob Mosier, director of county schools Anne Arundel.

One day after his arrest, the mother of the teenager filed a restraining order against the teacher so that the authorities do not approach him anymore.

"In the past 20 days, my son has been manipulated to have bad with his substitute teacher", wrote the mother in the application for order, which until now is unknown if it was granted.

Mercedes Boeberg was dismissed from this school after the complaint.


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