Maestra kicked a girl and announced her fall: a video sent her to the front


Concerned, the mother asked to meet the director of the school.then Crystal Smith, the teacher in question, was asked to give explanations.

"I'm not surprised he's having blows, he crawled into the libraries"Smith is forbidden. "He has a mark on his arm, it does not surprise me because he threw himself against the library. I mean, she has kicked me many times"He continued.

Not satisfied with the version of the teacher, The mother of the girl asked to see the security cameras. The process was not quick: the school authorities took a week to show him the tape. it was there when it was discovered that the professor had lied.

In the pictures, you can see the girl hiding in a library in the school library, while the teacher talks with another woman. So Smith finds the girl in the shelf and pulls her arm, after which she is lying on the floor. Moments later Smith he approaches and kicks him in the back.

"When I saw the video broke my heart (The teacher) sat at the table with me and lied about everything, she lied to me. He lied to everyone. And it was almost convincing, "explained the mother to the KCTV5 network.

"I can not really put it into words, it hurts my daughter, I'm angry at the fact that someone can do that.", he added.

After the exposure of the video, Smith was suspended. Finally, once the summary and the survey are completed, the school authorities sent him back on March 25th.

To integrate

In an official statement issued by The Sun newspaper, school officials said they were "deeply upset by the actions presented in the video.

"We take our responsibility to ensure the safety of children with extreme seriousness.As parents and educators, we are devastated when a child is not treated with respect and love," he said. they added in the letter.


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