Malena is 8 years old and needs a heart transplant


Malena is 8 years old and since April she is admitted to Garrahan Hospital while waiting for a heart.

Malena Lujan Paynemil is 8 years old, she is from San Patricio del Chañar, Neuquén and since April she is hospitalized

Garrahan Hospital
to the e
eve of a heart. He suffers from dilated conbad cardiomyopathy and is on the national emergency list

His family accompanies him to Buenos Aires while waiting for his heart to arrive. Her mother, Veronica Contreras, told on Facebook that Malena was well drawn from hemodynamics, a study to prepare her for

The girl was going to school normally until last year, but in early 2018 she began to feel bad and in May it was defined that she should to be on the INCUCAI list. "The disease is moving forward, we need the heart to appear to save your life."
The mother tells LM Neuquén

On social networks, family and friends lead a campaign in search of the heart.

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