Malvinas: identified the 114th soldier buried in the Darwin Cemetery | Chronic


The Secretary of Human Rights of the Nation confirmed Monday the identification of the body of Ramón Antonio Meza, a correntitno soldier who died during the Falklands War and was buried in the Darwin Cemetery since February 1983.

His mother, Delia Bernardina Mezaand his brothers, Juan and Jesús, were informed of the news after a meeting with officials of this portfolio.

After the identification of Meza, 114 people are already out of a total of 122, bodies identified since the humanitarian mission commissioned to the International Red Cross by the governments of Argentina and Great Britain, which enjoys the exceptional support of Argentina. Forensic Anthropology (EAAF).

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Secretary for Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism of the Nation, Claudio Avruj, he said: "As part of the Malvinas' humanitarian plan, we made a government commitment and we continued it relentlessly.A few days ago, I was in Geneva, where this initiative was recognized as an example of dialogue and respect for international humanitarian law, which allows us to react this magnitude to the families of our heroes ".

"Recently, I met with UK Ambbadador Mark Kent and the Malvinas' Committee of Relatives of Disaster Victims, with whom we have very close relations, to continue to deepen our work. which allows us to access all the identifications ", he added.


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