Man cheated Brazil’s vaccination system and received five doses against coronavirus


The Rio de Janeiro Health Secretariat denounced a man for cheating on the health system because He has been vaccinated against the coronavirus five times. The case was revealed when the person involved was in the immunization session about to receive the sixth dose. He combined Pfizer’s vaccines with CoronaVac and AstraZeneca. Now you will have to explain to the authorities how you managed to bypass the controls.

The health portfolio has identified the person and confirmed that they will be contacted to clarify why they have been immunized so many times. Between May 12 and July 21, he received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine, two of CoronaVac and one of AstraZeneca, according to the Globo TV who accessed their digital vaccination card.

In Brasil, los ciudadanos que quieran vacunarse deben tener la edad determinada por el calendario municipal, presentar un documento de identidad, que es registrado en el sistema del ministerio de Salud, y para obtain the segunda dosis tienen que mostrar en un certificado haber recibido la first. Authorities said the man visited three different health posts, where would have taken advantage of moments of failure of the electronic system to receive the doses that did not correspond to it, as published by the news portal G1.

The Ministry of Health is still investigating the circumstances and analyzing whether there have been other similar cases.

Brazil has strong adherence to its immunization programs. However, several states in Brazil have reported a shortage of vaccines to meet the schedule set by the health ministry, and Rio de Janeiro has repeatedly suspended its campaign due to lack of doses. In total, of the 212 million Brazilians, 58% received at least one dose and 25% the second.

The authorities also had to take measures to prevent the so-called “vaccine sommeliers “, who go through health facilities in search of the vaccine of their choice. In June, the mayor of Rio, Eduardo Paes, criticized those people who took a third dose: “It’s crime, it’s fraud.

Brazil reports more than 570,000 deaths from Covid-19, a figure exceeded only by the United States.


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