Man jumped into sea from 70-meter-high cliff and escaped unscathed


Everything was recorded in a video which he recorded with a camera.

A man jumped off a cliff to 70 meters size, towards the sea in Durdle Gate, England. To everyone’s surprise, he was not injured and recorded the shocking moment with his camera. The episode took place just days after someone else tried to do the same and was injured.

The video begins with the man climbing on the heavenly place. Once at the top, he takes a stone and throws it into the water to show the height from which you intended to jump.

Although this jump went well, a few weeks ago another man had to be transferred to the hospital by helicopter because his adventure was unsuccessful. (Photo: YouTube / Adrenaline Wings)

In the background you can hear the tourists and those present on the spot asking you to be careful, to calculate the jump. Some even begged him not to jump in.

After taking a deep breath, the man does a little run and jump. Unscathed, he manages to surface and swim to shore.

Although this jump went well and did not leave any injuries, a few weeks ago another person must have been taken to hospital by helicopter since their adventure failed.

Some witnesses of the event confessed to the English portal The sun what was “Very scary” because they believed that this man was “trying to kill himself”. That’s why they decided to contact the emergency services.

Also in June of last year, two rowing practitioners had to perform PCR to a 20-year-old man who had attempted the same jump, but he was knocked out.

As if that wasn’t enough, two more jumpers were rushed to hospital with serious injuries after diving into the water at Durdle Door.

So far, and since 2005, in the UK at least 20 people for diving from great heights.


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