Man paid hitmen to kill ex-wife, but they murdered him


Police transfer those accused of the crime (Photo: PDI)
Police transfer those accused of the crime (Photo: PDI)

The story began when Crescencio Gómez Mamani contacted two men aged 21 and 25 linked to the world of hitmen in the town of Alto Hospicio, located 1,767 kilometers north of Santiago.

He assured them that his ex-wife owed him $ 3 million ($ 4,260)., and since she had not paid him, he wanted to settle the alleged debt with her death. The killers accepted the job and they set a payment of 600,000 USD (852 USD) to fulfill the mission. Gómez Mamani agreed and they coordinated a final meeting for the night of April 10, where this money collection and femicide would take place.

However, the two Colombian hired killers, identified as Marvin Estupiñan Hurtado and Brayán Díaz Ardila, they had other plans in mind. Before meeting the instigator, They arranged for them to bellow him, steal everything he had and abandon him in the La Pampa sector, in Alto Hospicio. In addition, the two subjects decided that they would not kill the woman. With this project in mind, they went to the meeting.

Around 3 a.m. on April 10, the group saw that Gómez Mamani was waiting for them at the agreed location to finalize the final details before the crime.

In this meeting, the man paid the agreed amount and he believed the operation was underway, but then Brayan Díaz extracts a sharp object and inflicts 16 mortal wounds, while Marvin Estupiñan made sure not to escape.

The multiple injuries inflicted ended the life of the person who had paid to see the mother of his deceased son.. Crescencio Gómez Mamani he was abandoned on the spot and also They stole his wallet, cell phone and an additional $ 30,000 ($ 42 USD). With the loot in their hands, the two contract killers escaped. They were sure they had left no trace.

The incident took place in the Tarapacá region in northern Chile
The incident took place in the Tarapacá region in northern Chile

Detention and formalization

After the crime, Alto Hospicio’s prosecutor’s office coordinated with the investigative police homicide squad (PDI) to find the whereabouts of those responsible. The mission would not be easy: the hired killers knew how to hide well, but the police already have experience in persecuting these groups.

Through a series of call traffic analyzes, planimetric and photographic reports, the researchers were able to determine that the victim’s cell phone, stolen by the contract killers, was being used by a third party. Through this procedure, this subject was identified, then the murderers, who were detained by police officers.

Murderers’ statement upon arrest confirmed victim offered them cash killing his ex-wife because he supposedly owed her money, previously showing them the house where she lived and indicating that there would be a man in the house and that they would also kill him.

The PDI was able to determine, after the group’s arrest, that the said house corresponded to the same domicile of the victim, who lived on the first floor, while the second was occupied by his ex-wife and son.

Due to the gravity of the events and the fact that the liberty of the accused constitutes a danger to the security of society, the court accepted the request of the public prosecutor’s office of Alto Hospicio and decreed preventive detention for the two subjects, setting an investigation period of 80 days.


Alarm in Chile for the increase in murders committed by contract killers

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