Man Put Eel Into His Anus To End Constipation And Almost Ended In Tragedy | the Chronicle


A Chinese city, living in the Jiangsu region, in the east of this country, an eel was introduced into his anus, in the hope that this animal will remove the constipation he was suffering from. Apparently the man didn’t want to go to the doctor out of fear or just ignorance.

The incredible situation, which occurred a few weeks ago, featuring a middle aged man and an eel about eight inches long. Although man is sure that this fish succeeded in unblocking the problem, the truth is that the animal got out of control, went through the rectum and ended up biting into his colon, up to the abdomen area.

If at the beginning the Chinese city of Anus had not decided to go to the doctor out of fear, the day after the introduction of the eel, the man did not go to the health center to “shame”, despite the intensification of pain in the area.

However, later the pain became unbearable, so he had no choice but to go to the nearest hospital warden.. When the man came to the doctor, the professionals warned him about the dangers of using folk remedies to fight constipation; question that he ended up realizing himself.

Experts warn that this popular practice in China is very dangerous, as the eel can bite part of the colon and move towards the abdomen. Thus, the consequence is a strong infection (septic shock) during contact with the stool and the posterior cavity.

Despite the patient’s commitment, the doctors managed to extract the eel and completely disinfect and heal the area. Thus, the man and the animal were saved by the health professionals.

A frequent practice in China

Introducing eel into the anal cavities is a popular practice in China, frequently used to relieve constipation. According to popular theory, eel may be the most effective way to have a bowel movement. However, it is a completely dangerous practice, which is not recommended by doctors.

The cases of men who introduce these unsightly animals through intimate cavities are very frequent in this country. A year ago in Guangdong, China, a man followed the same remedy, but with an eel 40 cm long. The patient had lied that the eel had entered his anus on its own. The record is held by another man, who introduced a 50-centimeter eel in 2017, which hit his stomach.


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