Man sentenced to life in prison for abusing his girlfriend’s daughter and spraying her with bleach to clear evidence


Lewis matthews He sexually assaulted a 10-year-old girl and was sentenced to spend the rest of her life in prison. The Hillsborough County, Florida jury found him guilty of abuse and sexually abuse his girlfriend’s ten year old daughter, and after pouring bleach on their genitals in an attempt to destroy evidence of the crime. On Monday, June 28, he was sentenced to life imprisonment by circuit judge Kimberly Fernández.

During his conviction, lawyer Bryant Camareno told the judge that the assailant’s mother did not intend to appear at her son’s sentencing hearing. “she doesn’t want to come“Camareno explained.

Matthews, 43, was convicted of four crimes: one count of sexual assault on a victim under the age of 12 years, two obscene counts of abuse a victim under the age of 12; Yes a charge of tampering with evidence physical, after a three-day trial.


In April 2019, Matthews, who was reportedly at his girlfriend’s home in Tampa, began sexually assaulting his partner’s youngest daughter. Prosecutors said Matthews was like a stepfather to the daughter and had a relationship with his mother for years. At around 3:30 a.m. on April 13, 2019, Matthews abused the girl while she slept.

The assailant then went to a commercial store where, according to court documents, he bought a bottle of bleach and took the victim to a public restroom where he told her to undress. Lewis then he poured bleach on the minor’s genitals in an attempt to remove the DNA of his body. Finally, he threw the victim’s underwear in a trash can.

The bottle of bleach you used to clean up the DNA evidence (Hillsborough State Attorney’s Office)

However, Matthews’ attempt to destroy the DNA evidence failed. Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office investigators were able to locate Matthews biological samples in bleach-stained underwear, as well as on the body and other clothing of the victim.

The girl also reportedly told investigators that she was asleep when he approached her and mistreated her. “Parents who sexually abuse children in their care, boil our bloodSaid District Attorney Andrew Warren. “That’s why we aggressively pursue cases like these. These people deserve to spend the rest of their lives in prison“.

“It’s heartbreaking to sit in court and watch a victim testify on the stand, when she has been sexually abused by someone who is supposed to take care of hersaid Warren. “This is why I am so proud of the work our prosecutors are doing to hold these criminals accountable, defend the victims and eliminate these predators for life.”

Matthews was sentenced to life for assault, 25 years for each of the charges of sexual abuse and five years for tampering with material evidence. All the sentences will be served at the same time. But he didn’t seem to flinch.

According to press reports, it was learned that at the end of the court hearing the man he shook hands with his lawyer and chuckled.


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