Man spent $ 5,000 on burgers, posted ticket to complain but won everyone’s rejection for a detail


One man’s complaint on Twitter sought empathy but got the opposite. After sharing the details of what was consumed in a restaurant in Marbella, Spain, user complained about the cost of table service And their outrage, after the post went viral, sparked outrage.

Enrique Moris’ tweet has over 6,000 retweets, 3,000 likes and 4,000 comments. He wrote there: “A club in Marbella, They charge us 372 euros for service, we pay and we get up, the waiter comes running up, annoyed, asking if we weren’t going to tip. Marbella the new Ibiza, trickster all over”.

The voucher is from July 31st and it shows that eight guests they consumed 13 beers, seven sodas, water, tequila shots and various entrees. They ordered eight wagyu burgers, priced at 28 euros each. Also a bottle of Don Perignon champagne, worth 1000 euros. The total: 4,098 euros, or nearly half a million Argentinian pesos.

However, his claim was observed from another location: users pointed out that behind his landfill there was a clear ostentation to show how much they had spent on said dinner.

A Twitter user criticized Moris’ statements on the social network (Photo: @ Maysu69).

“You spent 10 pensions minimum on a fucking hamburger dinner and now what do you want, Solidarity?” The new rich are dumber than the old rich“, replied a user.

“The rich, new and old are people who have money. They can be intelligent or morons, whatever money they have. Based on their actions you can tell which side they belong to and on the type of tip I clearly know which side it is, ”another person wrote.

Another user’s response to Moris’s post (Photo: @ Play111).

“When it hurts to tip the waiter, but it doesn’t hurt to spend over four thousand dollars on a shitty meal for eight people.” You have to be miserable at the top to put this on social networksThey answered him.

“The waiter thing is the excuse to show off and 4000 euros gluttonous sport. Pretend it and what they will say. Tacky, pringado and rat, ”continued those who came across the post. Moris presents himself on Twitter as a “day trader lover of the stock market ”. On the other hand, he specifies: “My tweets are not purchase recommendations.”

The tweet reflected what had been spent on a dinner in Marbella, Spain.

Finally, another Internet user advised him: “Kike, very stiff and not having left a tip. The service charges remain the responsibility of the club. Always take care of the waiters, if they have treated you well. It’s an investment if you find it ”.


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