Man Won $ 28 Million In Lottery But Lost It By Not Going To Pick It Up


Few things must be harder than matching the numbers exact of the lottery, but if when it happens the lucky he does not withdraw his reward it looks even more incredible. Believe it or not, a person who at the end of last year had won over $ 28 million in the draw of one of the biggest lotteries in Brazil ultimately ran out of that amount for not having presented to claim the money until the deadline, according to what media in that country revealed on Tuesday.

The draw for New Year lottery Virada Mega-Sena 2020 took place last December 31st and alone Of people have been able to guess the six Jackpot winning combination numbers: 25, 35, 41, 17, 20 and 42.

However, for some reason for now it’s unknown one of the lucky ones didn’t show up to receive 162.6 million reais (the equivalent of $ 28.5 million) that he was owed for getting all the right numbers.

According to the sources consulted, the winning ticket was purchased in a electronic in St.Paul. However, the organizer of the game, the federal bank Caixa Econômica, stressed that it is the responsibility of the competitor claiming the price obtained within a time limit no more than three months, and this period unfortunately expired last Wednesday March, 31st.

Some tickets from the Mega-Sena da Virada lottery, one of the most important in Brazil.

The price of the New Year’s drawing is for the the largest unused amount in history of the Mega-Sena da Virada, and although it seems that the lack of a claim for the money is an exceptional fact, it is in fact something that is happening with frequency. In this sense, throughout the past year, the amount of prizes that have never been claimed exceeded US $ 54 million.

For its part, the legislation in force in Brazil is very clear regarding these types of situations. It stipulates that the unclaimed money in a timely manner will be transferred in full to the Student Financing Fund (FIES), a government program that helps people to pay for your higher education.

In Europe, it also happens

In 2020, lottery companies from United Kingdom, where these types of cases were also presented, they called on punters to they will check the tickets which they acquire after the finalization of a lottery.

One of the gambling companies that has had to deal with similar situations as in Brazil is Euromillions.

In May of last year, one person failed to claim a succulent EuroMillions raffle prize which reached 17 million euros (just over $ 20 million). Whereas in at least two more Sometimes the winner showed no signs of life to withdraw the money he got.


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