Mancera broke the silence: he will wait for expert opinions from line 12 and reiterated his willingness to collaborate


Mancera was head of government for CDMX between 2012 and 2018 (Photo: Courtesy of the PRD)
Mancera was head of government of CDMX between 2012 and 2018 (Photo: courtesy of the PRD)

the former head of government of Mexico City, Miguel Ángel Mancera, broken this Monday silence regarding metro line 12 capital, ensuring that will await the results of the official expert opinions of the tragedy which claimed the lives of 26 people and left dozens of injured, in addition to reiterating their openness to collaborate if necessary.

‘With regard to line 12, my public commitment was to wait for the results of official expertises, the information on what has been done in my administration is contained in various institutional files ”, declared the now senator of PET (Party of the Democratic Revolution) in their social networks.

I reiterate my willingness to collaborate in whatever is required

And is Mancera was one of the names that clearly did not appear in the report published this Sunday by New York Times where, after having consulted a series of documents that have not been made public and after having interviewed a series of engineers who are experts in this type of work.

One of the charges against Mancera concerns the interview that was given to the Gold Line in 2014 and 2017 (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
One of the charges against Mancera concerns the interview that was given to the Gold Line in 2014 and 2017 (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

The report concludes that the rush to inaugurate the work of the former head of government Marcelo Ebrard and the lack of excellence in building a business owned by tycoon Carlos Slim would have been the cause that the flyover had collapsed in early May.

The construction of line 12, under administration of the capital with Ebrard (2006-2012), and its inauguration in its last year of government, suffered a long hiatus when Mancera took control of Mexico City, due to maintenance to part of the Gold Line.

With Mancera, Line 12 also had to temporarily stop its activity in 2017, after the earthquake of September 19 of that year, when the viaduct was one of the many buildings affected that year by the earthquake.

Mancera was one of the possible shown, along with Ebrard and the same Claudia Sheinbaum, his successor at the head of the government of the capital, for lack of maintenance of line 12, especially since after the May tragedy, users revealed that they were wearing months of warning about the possible wear and tear of the columns that carry the trains through the viaduct to the south-east of the city.

Mancera has assured that he will wait for the official opinions of the experts before any further movement or declaration (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Mancera has assured that he will wait for the official opinions of the experts before any further movement or declaration (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Just a few weeks ago Enrique Horcasitas, former director of the project Mexico City Metro, and in charge of the construction of line 12, assured which in 2012, delivered in “optimal conditions” the facilities of the so-called “Gold Line” of the Ebrard administration, now Chancellor of the Federal Government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to that of Mancera.

Even José Narro Céspedes, senator from Morena, the ruling party, said that investigations must exhaust all fields of investigation Yes deemed necessary the transparent participation of Mancera.

“Analysis of his administration as head of government It is essential to define the responsibilities, because during this period maintenance, repair and operation work was carried out that the current administration has inherited ”from Claudia Sheinbaum, detailed Narro Céspedes.

So the senator deemed necessary to highlight the key points of the Mancera administration. First, in July 2013, after eight months of reviewing the work, she received row 12. Its then director of the transportation system, Joel Ortega, mentioned no objections and declared the job safe..


Why the New York Times targets Carlos Slim and Marcelo Ebrard in Line 12 tragedy
“They want to put them in action”: AMLO on Ebrard Sheinbaum and Line 12 reports
Ebrard, Sheinbaum and Slim: political upheaval began due to line 12 collapse
Mancera must be held responsible after the tragedy of metro line 12: senator from Morena

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