Manchester: a waiter badly served a wine of 5,000 euros


To integrate

For customers who accidentally got a bottle of Château Le Pin Pomerol 2001, which is £ 4,500 on the menu last night – hope you enjoyed your evening! For the staff member who accidentally gave it, chin! Unique mistakes happen and we love you anyway

– Hawksmoor Manchester (@HawksmoorMCR) May 16, 2019

The expensive bottle, 17 times more expensive than the Bordeaux they had really requested at the table, was a Château le Pin Pomerol 2001, as indicated BBC

However, and beyond the good vibrations with which they suffered such a loss, since Hawksmoor conveyed the warning to the employee who made the mistake: "Heads up because single mistakes occur. In any case, we love you " That was the message.

The unfortunate moment (happy for those who love wine) has become viral on social networks. "We have to go to Manchester," Many users have written with a humorous tone.


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