Many celebrities join a campaign against bullying – 01/05/2019


This Thursday, May 2nd will mark the International Day Against Bullying. Better known as l & # 39; intimidationIt is a plague suffered by thousands of kids and teens around the world. To raise public awareness about this, in the cultural space El Sabato (which depends on the Faculty of Economics of the UBA) Thursday will launch a campaign against abuse in schools in Argentina. This is the third year in a row that this action is being conducted with the Argentinian community of Antimully #CulturaContraElBullying which many celebrities have come together to support.

The actress and conductor Malena Guinzburg (victim of bullying in adolescence) is the godmother of this initiative, alongside Eugenia Tobal and journalist Guillermo Lobo. Gastón Soffritti, Laura Esquivel, Georgina Barbarossa, Lucía Galán, José María Listorti, Julieta Cardinali, Pepe Monje, Maria Leal, Magalí Tajes, Florencia Otero and Germán Tripel also participate. The artists lent their faces and voices in a video to raise public awareness of this problem.

As part of the campaign, in El Sabato, there will also be, from June (the first and third Wednesday of each month at 19:30, with subsequent debate) a play whose theme is intimidation. Distribution is by public call. The address is Andrea Dieste, with a text written specifically for this activity by Luis Belenda: a job that lasts only 17 minutes, but this conveys a direct message about bullying, its consequences for teens and their families, and with the end of the high emotional impact.

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"According to data from the World Health Organization, bullying is the leading cause of teen suicide.In view of the country's annual growth, we feel that something must be done to generate change in our children Culture, art, is a great tool to promote a revolution in the students' consciousness and to progress towards peaceful coexistence in the schools, institutions and clubs of our city. " said Diego Berardo, director of El Sabato.

In addition to the play, El Sabato convened a group of muralists who, under the coordination of urban artist Adriana Balbo, met the students and the educational community by creating murals in some interior or exterior school walls and leaving as a permanent mark the message against discrimination at school.

"During the school tour, we realized how much bullying was naturalized, the work sensitizes children to the magnitude of the problem, many are encouraged to shoot for the first time, of course. others to become aware of the damage caused, "says Berardo. "That's why, through art and theater, we want everyone to become more aware of this scourge and the state to devote more resources to awareness campaigns and multidisciplinary teams to deal with to prevent cases "

The video to raise awareness on the subject will circulate from Thursday on social networks spreading this painful problem that affects thousands of children and adolescents in our country.


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