"Many things will happen next week"


The president of the United States said that Venezuelans had no more food or medicine and that he seized oil between China and Russia.

In the Trish Regan night program in Fox Business, US President Donald Trump spoke about the crisis in Venezuela.

"There are many options open, some do not want to mention them because they are very difficult," he said at a phone call.

After describing the situation as "terrible", the president explained: "People are starving, there is no food, there is no water."

On the options – on several occasions, Trump said that "all options are on the table" in the case of Venezuela – said his government was watching what was happening.

"We are doing everything we can, with the exception of extreme remedies," he said. After a break, he added, "Some people would like us to resort to extreme remedies, but we have plenty of options open."

"(Nicolás) Maduro does not accept food, I think that he should accept it, it would be better for him if he accepted it, because people who die of hungry are desperate and we can see what is happening on the street.

He added, "A lot of things are going to happen over the next week, and maybe before we'll see what's going on, we're trying to help people, we want to distribute the food and medicine. "

After reminding that Venezuela was a rich country in the past, he said that at least he still had oil. The problem, however, is that this resource "is mortgaged between China and Russia for all the money they have invested in recent years." In his current crisis, he warned, Venezuela "is a country facing a foreclosure".

On Maduro, Trump has observed that, despite the harshness with which he behaves, "he loses a lot of control". He observed in his actions that he considered "bad compared to the bad things he had done before." Venezuela, he said, reveals "the failure of socialism". He felt that even though the image of this country may go "beyond socialism", nevertheless, "it is socialism".

Juan Guaidó, leader of the opposition to the National Assembly and interim president recognized by a coalition of more than 50 countries, also spoke on the same show after Trump's speech. "The goal is undoubtedly that we find democracy," he said.

National strike and protests against Maduro

Guaidó called for a general strike against Maduro on Wednesday.

He did so in front of a crowd who rallied against the regime on May 1 and the day after Leopoldo López was released.

"Tomorrow, we will accompany the proposal made to us by staggered judgments until the completion of the general strike," said Guaidó, who had already proposed two months ago a stop of employees of the public service, traditionally more connected to the party in power. The announcement of the politician is relevant because it constitutes a part of the historical claims of the so-called Bolivarian revolution.

"We recognize the value of decent work, which allows well-being and progress, we know today that no salary can be achieved, that their rights and achievements are ignored," he said. he said before the beginning of the demonstrations, evoking the precarious living conditions of millions of people. Venezuelans who fight daily against hyperinflation without moderation. "We accompany you in your requests, we see in the street!", He said.

The protests escalated into riots in several parts of the capital, leaving at least 27 injured, one bullet, according to health services. The opposition reported 78 wounded throughout the country.

During clashes, the army and police fired tear gas against protesters, who fought back with stones and Molotov badtails, AFP reported. There were also shots.

"A few minutes after brave soldiers took the side of the city, all the soldiers saw the overwhelming support of the people who will accompany them," Guaidó told his supporters, remembering that thousands of people had been there. rallied to support the rebellion on Tuesday.

The leader of the opposition led the uprising of a group of soldiers at La Carlota air base in Caracas.

"I will not shake the pulse when justice orders to put behind those responsible for this criminal blow," Maduro threatened during a mbadive mobilization in the center of Caracas for Workers' Day, which celebrated the day. Failure of the uprising.

Back to Maduro

The Court of Appeal of the District of Columbia decided this Wednesday that only the leader of the opposition, Juan Guaidó, could exercise the legal representation of the State of Venezuela on the American territory, which constitutes a setback for the Venezuelan dictator, Nicolás Maduro.

In a court decision with the Efe agreement, the court of appeal explained that Guaidó was recognized at the judicial level in the United States. as interim president of Venezuela because the American executive had made the "political" decision to grant him this status on 23 January.

"Which government should be considered here as a representative of a foreign state is a political rather than a judicial matter, and should be determined by (…) the governors," said the court of appeal, citing previous decisions establishing the case-law of this case.

According to the court order, the decision of the US executive "to recognize a foreign government" is "final for all national jurisdictions, which are bound to respect this determination".

The lawyer José Ignacio Hernández, appointed by Guaidó as "special advocate", celebrated the decision on Twitter.
"The Circuit Court of the District of Columbia has just decided that only the president in charge, Juan Guaidó, can exercise the representation of Venezuela in the United States, and as a special prosecutor, I will continue to defend the interests of the United States. Venezuelan state in court, "he said.

The Columbia District Circuit Court has ruled that only the president in charge, Juan Guaidó, can represent Venezuela in the United States. As a special prosecutor, I will continue to defend the interests of the Venezuelan State in the courts

– Jose I. Hernandez G. (@ignandez) May 1, 2019

The court made this decision in response to the motion filed by another case by Maduro's legal representatives, a claim that was dismissed on Wednesday.

The case concerned, in particular, Rusoro Mining, a Vancouver-based, Russian-owned company that operated two mines in El Callao, in south-eastern Venezuela, nationalized in 2011 by the then president. Hugo Chávez. , already deceased.

The court order does not give details of the status of this case and cites only the name of Rusoro Mining and another company, Goldfields, which operated one of the mines in Venezuela that Rusoro Mining later acquired.

The United States was the first country in the world to recognize as President Guaidó who, on January 23, invoked articles of the Constitution to badert that in his capacity as head of the National Assembly, he could declare himself head of state before what he considers as a "usurpation". from Maduro.

Maduro, who has been in power since 2013, won the May 2018 elections, was questioned by the international community and returned to office on 10 January.

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