Manzanares has ratified that a million-dollar bribe has been paid to Judge Rodríguez


Kirchner's accountant said Muñoz gave the magistrate $ 8 million to stop an investigation into illicit enrichment; thus ratified the words of Pochetti, who regained freedom yesterday Source: LA NACION – Credit: Horacio Córdoba

After the first charge that triggered a scandal inside

Commodore Py

, the federal judge

Luis Rodríguez

He was suspected again.
Kirchner accountant Víctor Manzanares admitted that the magistrate had paid a bribe of US $ 8 million to

Daniel Muñoz

in a court case, as he could rebuild
THE NATION from judicial sources. Manzanares has thus endorsed the remarks of Carolina Pochetti, widow of Muñoz, on the benefits obtained by the former secretary of the Kirchner, whose heritage was examined by Rodríguez. The accountant, in this case, put the statement in the mouth of Muñoz himself, who, shortly before his death, had told him that he had "settled everything" in court.

The scene was produced at the German hospital in the second quarter of 2016. Muñoz, hospitalized for cancer, tried to house his property before his death. Manzanares wanted to persuade him to cancel an operation to buy shares of the Llaneza group, which Muñoz had specified through the intermediary of a representative, because it could attract the attention . According to the accountant's confession, the former private secretary had clearly responded: he could not in any way cancel the operation because he had already paid a bribe of $ 8 million to Judge Rodríguez. According to Manzanares, Muñoz made this remark in front of Pochetti, adding that this was synonymous with tranquility for the Llaneza because the investment was guaranteed and the judicial process resolved.

Pochetti was released yesterday by judge's decision

Claudio Bonadio


The accountant's confession confirms those admitted by Pochetti herself, who told the court two weeks ago that her husband had paid $ 10 million to her lawyer, Miguel Ángel Plo. he pays a bribe to Judge Rodríguez to improve your procedural situation.

Following the declaration of the widow of Muñoz, Rodríguez was denounced two weeks ago before the judiciary and before the judicial council.

This body has already asked for a dozen test measures to investigate its action in several court cases and its enrichment in recent years. This new confession complicates the situation of the judge.

The second mention of Manzanares to Rodriguez in the cause of the bribe notebooks appears in a conversation that he would have had with Carolina Pochetti, already after the death of Muñoz (May 2016), when the widow and her environment made efforts to order the investments of the former private secretary.

Muñoz had been advised by the accountant of Manzanares for different tasks.

This second meeting took place in the study of Plo, the lawyer already arrested in the case of notebooks.

As rebuilt
THE NATIONPochetti asked Manzanares to transfer the shares of the garages, referring to the investments made by Munoz in two car parks.

Manzanares feared to suffer legal consequences and asked him to make the transfer, but with another person. He wanted to stay out of the repertoire because, he says, real estate belonged to them [de Pochetti y Muñoz]. Muñoz's widow accepted, but the process was complicated. To complete the transfer, the transfer documents had to be completed and Pochetti did not wish to open the Muñoz estate.

Together with her sister Alejandrina Pochetti, they complained that – according to Manzanares – they were short of money before the legal consequences of the case after the Panama Papers explosion.

Then, Manzanares learned that the lawyers had taken everything, referring to the conversation Muñoz had with Manzanares at the German hospital about the alleged bribe paid to Judge Rodríguez.

But beyond the confessions of Pochetti and Manzanares, the intervention of Judge Rodríguez in the judicial cases of which Muñoz and his environment have benefited has attracted the attention not only of the press, but also of the Federal Chamber , who separated him He was struck by the repeated benefits received by the accused.

Rodríguez favored the Muñoz couple in two court cases.

First, in July 2015, he rejected them in the case that had opened an investigation into the statements of Kirchner's former private secretary, Miriam Quiroga, who had claimed to have seen that his colleague carried bags of money for his boss.

But Rodriguez again intervened in another cause after
THE NATION this will reveal that the former private secretary appeared in the Panama Papers and also benefited the accused.

Despite repeated requests from prosecutor Stornelli to arrest him, the judge secured Pochetti's freedom, which allowed him to transfer 70 million US dollars abroad.

It was even known, through Pochetti 's confession, that Judge Rodríguez had ordered him to sell the goods abroad so as not to put them under the eyes of justice.

The Federal Chamber finally moved the judge from this case in October of last year. Yesterday, Pochetti found his freedom in his repentant character.

A new accusation

The accountant has complicated the situation of the magistrate

  • Judge Luis Rodríguez was in charge of an investigation into the illicit enrichment that had left under the microscope the badets of Daniel Muñoz, the former secretary of Néstor Kirchner.
  • Following reports of irregularities around his investigation, which allowed Muñoz to sell the suspicious goods, the federal camera withdrew the case in October.
  • The accountant Víctor Manzanares, who knows the number of Néstor and Cristina Kirchner, accumulates more than 20 hours of confessions before the court of Claudio Bonadio.
  • In his latest statement, he ratified the denunciation of Carolina Pochetti, the widow of Muñoz, who revealed the payment of a bribe to Luis Rodríguez in order to put an end to an investigation into his property.



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