Maradona present in the mobilizations against n …


A banner with the face of Maradona was the protagonist of the demonstration that took place this Saturday in Paris, against a controversial security law that protects police, punishing those who post footage of security forces during operations.

Diego’s face, symbol of rebellion and resistance, could be seen in the march where clashes between the police and the demonstrators were recorded, near the Place de la Bastille.

“Police everywhere, justice nowhere”, “police state” and “smile while being beaten,” were some of the chants heard during the demonstrations.

The new legislation passed by the French Parliament aims to prohibit the distribution of photographs allowing the identification of security agents.

At the center of the controversy is Article 24 which punishes “malicious” publications with one year in prison and a fine of up to 45,000 euros.

The debate over the new law takes on a greater dimension amid social tensions over the police attack on a black man. Videos released by the Loopsider site which showed the beatings that three police officers struck on Saturday the music producer Michel Zecler at the entrance of a music studio in Paris.


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