Marcela Kloosterboer showed her tummy at the 40th week of pregnancy


Marcela Kloosterboer showed her belly at the 40th week of pregnancy | MDZ online

Marcela Kloosterboer

Marcela Kloosterboer showed how much her pregnant belly was already in the 40th week of gestation.

The actress has entered the 40th week of gestation and looks forward to her second child, Otto, the fruit of his love with Fernando Sieling. Both are already parents of Juana, three years old.

Long away from the small screen to devote herself to the care of her pregnancy, the actress lives pregnant moments before birth.

In her Instagram account, Marcela said that she needed little to have her baby and released an image in which she was joking about the size of her belly.

"Week 40 and you type …", expressed in the tender post with the emoji of a balloon.

Source: Primicias Ya


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