Marcelo Birmajer: "Cristina orders a change of speech in Fernández"


"Cristina orders Fernández to change speeches"


The writer and essayist
Marcelo Birmajer He was in the program Mesa Chica, broadcast on LN +, where he spoke about the candidate's controversial statements.
Alberto Fernandez sure
Venezuela. Burma said Venezuela is a dictatorship and explained why. In addition, he criticized the presidential candidate and said: "Cristina orders Fernández to change speeches."

In this sense, he considered that Fernández was strongly influenced by his partner and, to confess, he said: "Fernandez is definitely the delegate of Cristina Kirchner.
Column published in LA NACION Alberto accused Cristina of concealing the defendants from the attack against AMIA, accusing him of casting a shadow over the murder of Nisman prosecutor, to have defamed the Nisman prosecutor; This type of thinking suggests that Venezuela is a dictatorship and that Iran is an accomplice of the Venezuelan dictatorship. The diametrically symmetrical change of Fernández is due to the fact that Cristina orders a change of language. "

About the interview granted by the presidential candidate last Sunday at
The cornicewhere did he play
Controversial statements about Venezuela, the essayist said: "Fernández began by saying that he was worried for Macri before and that Macri only cared about the campaign. false: he was part of the Kirchner government who inducted the figure Hugo Chávez as a ruler of Latin America and he was received at Casa Rosada on the day of taking over Nestor, where Cristina l & rsquo; approached to greet him specially. "

Then, he added that in 2005, in Mar del Plata, Chávez had "become a hero of the Latin American mbades" and that the kirchnerist government accompanied him to face the United States while he was not necessary to do so. "When [Fernández] He says that Chavismo has a democratic origin is debatable. The political origin of Chavez is in 1992 when he gives a bloody blow against Carlos Andrés Pérez, Venezuelan Democratic president, who had isolated thousands of Argentines fleeing the dictatorship of Videla. Today, we are asylum in the country to hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans fleeing the dictatorship of Maduro, "he said.

The essayist pointed out that Venezuela is a country that has expelled 25% of its compatriots, "who kills and jails dissidents", which prevents any form of opposition and who has an alternative president recognized by most democratic countries. from the UN, like Juan Guaidó. "It is clearly a dictatorship and stop to consider it so, it is to be indifferent, indifferent to the suffering of the Venezuelan people," he said.



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