Marcelo Birmajer: "Kirchnerism is a virus that corrodes intelligence"


Marcelo Birmajer: "Kirchnerism is a virus that corrodes intelligence" Source: archives

L & # 39; writer
Marcelo Birmajer, one of the intellectuals who signed a letter calling to vote Together for Change,
he answered Mempo Giardinelli, who claimed that Mauricio Macri could
"Forging violent clashes with the dead and wounded" during the elections.

"Kirchnerism, like false progressiveness, is a virus that corrodes intelligence"Birmajer said during an interview given last night to the A24 channel.

The writer severely criticized
the controversial statements of the referent of the Argentine Manifesto, a group of intellectuals who attribute to Kirchnerism. Yesterday, Giardinelli said in the newspaper
Page / 12 that the government will cause "deaths", "violent clashes" or looting during elections.

"It does not make sense, Macri is going to hurt himself in losing," said Birmajer.

According to the writer,
Giardinelli "is part of an intellectual group that perversely supports dictatorship, repression and nonsense." "Initially, during the French Revolution, the left defended freedom, equality and fraternity.She now supports the Islamic Republic of Iran, which murders homobaduals, stoned women, proposes to exterminate the Jewish people, state of Israel, "he said.

"The left supports today the only two Spanish-speaking dictatorships: Cuba and Venezuela," he added.

For Birmajer, "there is a risk of being worse than Venezuela" if the formula of Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner wins the general elections of October. "Kirchnerism is not bad, but it's the worst thing that can happen in the country," he said.

In addition, he explained that he supported Mauricio Macri because it was the "least bad" option. "I can not vehemently defend the economic performance of the government," he said. And he recalled: "Macri is imposed to reduce poverty and has not reduced it, but I am convinced that others have done worse". "If Fernandez wins, the dollar and inflation will skyrocket," he said.



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