Marcelo Longobardi on Pinti: There, he had problems managing his money


The conductor of Radio Miter asked about the economic situation of the artist.

February 1, 2019

The Miter radio journalist, Marcelo Longobardihe attacked Enrique Pinti after the artist criticized the president's government, Mauricio Macri.

A few days ago, the actor said that he was going through a difficult economic period and that he could not afford social work.

"It seems more of a personal problem. He has filled the theater seasons for many years. Politicize this discussion is half delusional, "said the driver of Each morning.

He added: "He had problems administering his money and could not spare, he might have misused his money or had difficulties, regardless of the government."

"It's the first time that water comes to my neck, not because I'm broke or because they're going to see me desperately begging for alms (… ) we actors are not an example of work, our group is a guild of unemployed the world, "said Pinti the previous days.


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