Marcelo Tinelli recalled Luis Miguel's visit to Rhythm of the Night after the death of Luis Rey


The Mexican Sun visited Telefe's apartments after the death of his father Credit: Captura

One day after the end of the first season of

Luis Miguel, the series
social networks continue to echo the fury of this fictionalized biopic. In addition to memes and speculation about what happened in Las Matas (Madrid) between
Luis Rey and Marcela Basteri
– the singer's mother, who after this meeting with her ex-husband has disappeared without a trace – circulates on the web retro videos that awaken nostalgia and revive the fanaticism of the singer.

If one goes to YouTube, one can corroborate the series is not only based on the only official biography of the Sun of Mexico, but there are archival documents that support many fictional scenes which have a striking resemblance to reality.
Cases like the beginning of Micky or the Sabrositas propaganda can be found on the web.

Faced with a possible second season of the series, users of social networks have found a new jewel of memory: the visit of

Luis Miguel
on the floor of
Pace of the night in 1992. According to history, the sun went to Madrid to see his father, who was seriously in a Madrid hospital, but, contrary to what was shown in the series, he could not talk to him because he was sleeping. He said goodbye without getting the answer he was looking for and went back to Argentina to continue his work schedule: he did not want to cancel even one of his commitments. That's why he landed and was almost direct to the program

Marcelo Tinelli
on Telefe. The same driver thanks him for the gesture, when he can speak among the cries of the fans who do not stop haranguing to the rhythm of "Luis Miguel, Luis Miguel". "It's a great time to tell you that we love you more than ever, we want to be by your side and a lot of strength, seriously … We are with you, we want to convey all our good vibrations, our motivation because I know you have it.You are a fighter and I like you to have this polenta, "says Marcelo.

"The only thing that really suits me is to thank deeply the affection of the people, because for me the affection of the people is the most important thing", answers a Micky moved before singing "When I come back to your side" and other shots on the floor that have a remarkable kitsch aesthetic.

Before the nascent new season, this visit seems key to showing Micky's condition after his father's death. Do you want to see your way through Argentina in the new chapters? Who will play Marcelo Tinelli and with what name? For his part, the driver, who was very happy to have him among his guests, expressed by a tweet his desire to have him back into a program.
Do you think to summon it for the opening of ShowMatch?

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