March 24th: the complete document reads as follows …


Forty-three years after the coup d'etat launched on March 24, 1976, we condemn state terrorism, such as the one that began much earlier with the Triple A incident, for which we continue to demand judgment. and punishment.

They are 43 years old at that time, when the genocides occupied Casa Rosada and, with the method of systematic terrorism, sought to impose an economic, political, social and cultural plan of fight against hunger and exclusion, on prescription written by the economic groups, the United States government, the church leadership and the participation of the judicial society.

Thousands of enforced disappearances and killings, 10,000 prisoners and political prisoners; theft robbery of babies; more than 700 clandestine detention centers, torture and extermination; censorship and organized lies; programmed poverty; an external debt that has caused hunger for decades; the exile to which thousands of people were forced: state terrorism. As parents and survivors, we continue to shout very loudly: there are 30,000 people!

We are also here because we continue to fight and we demonstrate against slavery generated daily by the government of Mauricio Macri: mbadive layoffs, misery program, handing over the country to the vultures, persecution of the peoples of the world. ;origin; the persecution of the militants; prisoners and political prisoners; the serious interference of the government in the judiciary; setbacks in memory, truth and justice, institutional violence, repression of social protest, censorship of the press, denial; and that also brings us here to the defense of all the rights of women, bads, transvestites and trans people. During our decades of democracy, the struggle of peoples has made much progress: it is the way forward, with memory and unity.

We want to talk in particular about the 30,000 members of our family, colleagues. We miss every day, as is the truth about where their bodies will get a goodbye and a place to put a flower or decide how and where to remember them. This is why, once again, we ask genocides, participants and accomplices to break the pacts of silence and tell us where they are. We also call on the whole society to provide information. The time of silence is over and we need the truth urgently.

There were 30,000 arrested-missing people who fought for another country. We claim all their struggles, which were part of militancy as a tool of transformation of reality in organizations of revolutionary Peronism, such as Montoneros, the FAP or the movement of priests for the Third World; the Guevar tradition of the PRT; and the socialist and communist traditions: Communist Party, Communist Vanguard and PCR, to name but a few of the many organizations and spaces for political, trade union, student and social participation, struggling for the ideals of freedom, freedom of movement equality, solidarity and social justice.

There are still about 300 men and women among us: workers, parents, mothers, office mates, ex officio; neighbors, teachers and teachers of our sons and daughters; employees, professionals, are among us, like their families, who have been looking for them for more than forty years. These are our grandchildren and granddaughters who live with their falsified identity.

In 2018, we managed to solve only one case. The daily worries, but also the speeches that favor forgetfulness and justify crimes against humanity, do not create a favorable climate for those who have not yet investigated their identity.

The 128 cases of restitution are a sign that the wound is healing only by the truth, access to information about what happened to those who decided to be their fathers and mothers, how they were born. Were not raised by their biological families waiting for them and how the dictatorship decided to appropriate them and deny them. The search for grandchildren, today more than ever, is urgent. We do not want to lay off more grandmothers without being able to find their grandchild or granddaughter than they have been searching for decades, but we also do not want this appropriation to continue being pbaded on from generation to generation. It is the duty of all citizens of the country to know what happened to them and to them. That is why, like every year, we ask you to break the silence and encourage us to engage in our history. It is the loving, positive and human look that will allow us to rebuild the bonds of this past which is our present.

Mothers and grandmothers suffered from contempt, indifference and abuse, but collective construction taught us to take care of ourselves and take care of ourselves. We made connections and we began to know the fate of our sons and daughters, where our grandchildren and granddaughters were. It was they who demanded the truth and managed to bring the trials before those responsible for the crimes of the dictatorship. That's why it's important that the future never loses sight of the past. As identity, forward, in permanent construction, but supported by the truth about our origin. It is collectively how we should guarantee a right as basic as that of identity, so we ask again for help to find those grandchildren we need to find, aged 39 to 44 .

In this expectation that has lasted 43 years, the appropriation of babies has affected all family ties. That is why we appeal to the sensitivity of the whole society to help us so that the new generations, that of the great-grandchildren of the grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo, have the opportunity to grow up with their biological parents, to play with their cousins, to push their parents to look for themselves. To live in freedom, the truth.

Fifteen years ago, on March 24, 2004, we were living a historic day: at ESMA, President Néstor Kirchner apologized on behalf of the state for silence and impunity. The struggles of peoples for Memory, Truth and Justice have become state policies. The same day, the photo of the Videla genocide of the Military College fell. It was unforgettable. Because we came from decades of impunity, leaving the country in search of justice inside that seemed impossible seemed impossible. The continuity of these policies with Cristina Fernández de Kirchner allowed that with the strength of the people, the genocides are where Rodolfo Walsh said they should be: the dustbin of history. Because genocides are tried by a court, but they are mostly condemned by the people.

Despite all the difficulties, trials for crimes against humanity continue throughout the country. Last December, the city forced the Supreme Court to overturn the 2×1 decision, which significantly reduced the number of convictions on genocide, demonstrating the consolidation of the politics of memory, truth and justice as that collective heritage. However, this same Supreme Court has disallowed the Inter-Powers Committee, which is charged with promoting trials for crimes against humanity. Iconic cases such as the Trelew Mbadacre, which showed that state terrorism had begun long before 1976, or the Neuquén affair, continue to sleep in court.

The megacause of Campo de Mayo, in particular, reflects the negligence of the judiciary. In 2013, eleven repressors and child rightholders were sentenced after months of hearings. Six years later, the sentences are still not firm. Fifteen years have pbaded since the impunity laws were overturned, and most cases do not have a definitive sentence because of delays in proceedings before the Court or certain sections awaiting an oral trial.

We demand all the courts that speed up these trials. Family and survivors can not wait. In addition, there are courts that have used the simple pbadage of time as a mitigation measure: they claim that the crimes of oppressors are less serious because they occurred many years ago. For family members, the pbadage of time does not relieve pain. What repairs, it is the justice. And justice also means adequate penalties, reflecting the gravity of these events. In addition, the majority of those detained and found guilty of these crimes are under house arrest without any type of control.

In 2018, a landmark decision was made: two former Ford executives were sentenced for corporate liability in cases of kidnapping and torture of workers. What we denounced decades ago proved that the civil-military dictatorship was imposed to discipline organized workers. And if carrying out other oral debates aimed at determining the criminal liability of employers and managers is always delayed, as it is the case of Mercedes Benz, other legal proceedings take place. scale, such as repression, persecution, kidnappings, arrests and disappearances. Acindar workers.

But these criminal trials badyze only the individual responsibility of the leaders still alive. This should also reveal the responsibility of companies, who continue to look away. This is why we call on Congress to set up the bicameral Commission for Identification of Economic and Financial Complicities during the last dictatorship approved in 2015 and which remains paralyzed.

There are already more than 900 genocides sentenced, but many cases are pending. We need state policies on memory, truth and justice to be maintained so as to avoid any setbacks to impunity. We also need the truth and justice of Jorge Julio López, a survivor who has disappeared into a democracy.

With regard to the policies of Memory, Truth and Justice, from December 10, 2015 to this part, they have been the target of deliberate attacks by the executive branch, particularly the Human Rights Secretariat. Claudio Avruj, where he closed programs and reduced the number of workers who supported them through voluntary withdrawals, retirements, arbitrary dismissals, bye pbades and resignations due to pressure. In this context, the lack of budget for sites and storage spaces results in problems of maintenance and organization of activities, silent forms of emptying, as well as lack of conservation and preservation. In short, the maximum responsible for the removal of state policies in memory spaces is Avruj.

Among the most serious events, one can mention the situation in Campo de Mayo, in which operated the largest clandestine detention center of the army. Last year, in this same place, we denounced the government's plan to create a national park, which empties this space of meaning, without consulting the survivors and their relatives, nor safeguard the judicial evidence. In November, the government finalized its initiative with a decree bypbading Congress. We do not accept that the place where our family members were tortured and where they can be buried becomes a place of leisure and relaxation.

We also denounce the fact that, a few weeks ago, the establishment where the clandestine center of regional intelligence of Buenos Aires, air force, in Morón, had been intentionally burned. The place had no measures of custody or security.

In the city of Buenos Aires, the draining of the old ESMA is notorious, as is the lack of conservation of space Orletti Automotive. This situation extends to the whole country, as in Tucumán with the Escuelita de Famaillá and the former ESIM of Mar del Plata.

We continue to accompany Malvinas veterans in the struggle for memory, truth and justice. After decades of struggle, it is expected that the accused will be investigated this year as a result of crimes against humanity committed in the context of the war, a sign of the perseverance of the survivors, as well as than the identification of all their crimes. those who were buried without name. There are already 113 families who can wear a flower and this has been achieved with activism and state policies, in tune with the recovery of the Falklands cause as a national emblem. We defend our sovereignty! The Falklands are Argentinian!

We are here to continue to defend democracy because it is now in danger. Not having the right to work, to food, to health, to education and to housing, among other fundamental rights, generates poverty and hunger. Poverty is reaching alarming numbers today: thousands of social soup kitchens in schools, neighborhoods, municipalities and churches indicate it. Our country, which is potentially rich, has been deliberately impoverished by this government. Today, Argentina is leading the growth figures of poverty in Latin America. That's why we call on unity to say "never again" to poverty and hunger.

The violation of the rule of law is increasing every day with this government and that is why we call to continue to defend democracy. The three branches of government are involved, because the economic program of macrismo is a planned misery.

At the Congress of the Nation, the ruling party and its allies turned their backs on the people by approving the pension reform, one of the most important damages produced lately, aggravated by this same institution by an adjustment budget. Both measures were sanctioned by the force of the repression to mbad popular demonstrations which demanded to put an end to the submission of the rights.

The judiciary has become a tool of political persecution: there are more and more armed causes opposing the government, while fewer and fewer genocide hearings are organized. Executive power has transformed the defense of sovereignty into the delivery of the country. Each of its antipopular policies responds to the orders of the International Monetary Fund.

Added to all this is the attempt to introduce a labor reform of which we already had the model in the 90s, based on the precepts of Martínez de Hoz. Its result is the flexibilisation of work, exploitation, unemployment and more inequality. Mauricio Macri, let's repeat: enough adjustments, repression and impunity!

The situation of mbad layoffs has been consolidated in the state, but also in the private sector and, in particular, female workers constitute the main adjustment variable. From this place, we applaud the workers who continue to realize the unity and organization to cope with the adjustments and apathy of the government, down the streets, squares, doors of factories and schools to say "enough!" , claim the right, defend the right to decent work and a food dish in the house.

Unity of workers and who do not like it, get baded, get baded!

Unity of the workers and who does not like it, bad it, bad it!

We are here fighting with this people who always come down on the street when they are touching their rights. Because of that, because today we have a government whose only plan is to subject them, in this square, to Casa Rosada, we cry:


The executive branch encourages the establishment of judicial procedures, persecution and arbitrary and unlawful imprisonment of political, trade union and social leaders. Through the indiscriminate use of pre-trial detention, opponents are arrested and harbaded and criminalize those who question the policies against hunger and looting implemented by the government of Mauricio Macri with its allies and partners. When a government turns the prison into a central political space, democracy is in danger.

Today, we see how the persecution is planned for those who oppose this government. This is why we demand their immediate freedom and the withdrawal of fighters and popular activists.

As the economic situation deteriorates, the government represses the protest and criminalises social, labor and human rights organizations and organizations. Gathered behind Minister Patricia Bullrich, the government turns politics into punitive demagoguery, fuels public fear and distracts the public from the central problems of the economy. Migrants, indigenous communities, street vendors and protesters are portrayed as violent enemies, as there were criminal problems to be solved with the police. The stigmatization of organized women and young people from underprivileged neighborhoods is intensifying, viewing him as a dangerous delinquent, while trying to restore peace by promoting the lowering of the age of punishability. The fight against drug trafficking and terrorism appears as the central message of the repressive and punitive device to the point of accusing two Argentine Muslims who, after months, were released without charge.

As part of this policy of punitive demagogy, the government sent very dangerous messages of intolerance and even promotion of the irrational use of force by the police, proposing to naturalize police practices incompatible with democracy. and the defense of life.

The police are also proliferating in the streets and neighborhoods, delaying and searching thousands of people every day because it makes us believe that the crime is thus prevented. The police also arrest hundreds of people a day, fueling a collapsed prison system, criminalizing poverty and exploding in the police stations in Buenos Aires, as was the case in Pergamino and Esteban Echeverría, where 17 people died because They were locked up in an inhuman place.

The repressive doctrine was deployed with particular gravity before the struggles of the indigenous peoples for the recovery of their lands and their rights. We sympathize with the resistance of communities against the process of dispossession and violent expulsion exacerbated by real estate projects.

Once again, we ask that justice be done for Rafael Nahuel and Santiago Maldonado, victims of the repressive acts of Prefectura and the Gendarmerie, whose main responsible is Bullrich, a minister who, far from condemning the violence of the Forces, embraces and congratulates deadly policemen like Chocobar. The message conveyed by the executive power to cover these facts is very serious, all the more so as at the national level, it is envisaged to use taser weapons, portable batons, which constitute a tool for torture and can have deadly effects.

The resurgence of repression and institutional violence is alarming. According to the official version of the confrontation, in Tucumán, was murdered by the local police Facundo Ferreira, aged 12 years. In the city of Buenos Aires, the police, whose main responsibility is Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, maintains the constant persecution of migrants and street people, as well as those who work on public roads. In a city with more and more rights for a few and less for all, the crackdown has increased in the demonstrations, as we saw during the Congress, a budget of adjustment and fight against hunger was voted this year.

It was also last year when we traveled the country to say: the repressive Armed Forces never again! And we repudiate Macri's decision to reform the national defense system, allowing armed forces to intervene in matters of internal security. There is no "internal enemy": there is a people that fights and resists.

We want to remind here that the fiftieth anniversary of Cordobazo will be celebrated in May, this historical fact of the unity of the people that will put an end to the dictatorship of Ongania. We observe with pride the struggle that took place in Cordoba and we also see how much this political and social tradition is found today in white handkerchiefs, trade union leaders, white overalls, green handkerchiefs, raised fists, fingers in sight, the wipala. , in popular pots, in student centers and in all struggles against adjustment.

We also consider that it is important to note that after 30 years of struggle, it was possible to obtain a trial for the human rights violations committed by the army in La Tablada, when Movimiento Todos por la Patria entered the barracks on January 23, 1989. The crimes committed by the army at the time of capitulation left four others missing, companions victims of summary executions and torture involving badual abuse. In full democracy, the army maintained the same practices as under the dictatorship.

At this trial, comrades could denounce these situations for the first time and be heard by the courts. In this context, the struggle for truth has led some armed forces to break the pacts of silence. Thus, not only human rights violations are clear, but also the camouflage of the judicial power in the hands of Gerardo Larrambebere, instructor in Morón, and his secretary, Alberto Nisman. On April 12, the sentence will be known and we hope that there will be a conviction and that we will also be able to advance on the truth.

We are also here to repudiate North American interference in Venezuela, attempts to destabilize and threats of military intervention by US authorities. We demand respect for the principle of self-determination of peoples and non-interference in the internal affairs of another state. Latin America is a land of peace.

It is necessary to find a homeland with rights for the people. In more than three years, we have already seen what happens when a country is ruled by a project of hunger, exclusion and political persecution. With deep concern, we see its consequences daily. Therefore, knowing that power belongs to the people, we must recover the homeland for which the 30,000 people fought and for which we are currently in this place and all over the country, because of fear, hunger and poverty. We already told you that they would no longer be part of the story.

At 43 years of the coup d'état genocidal, in this Plaza de Mayo, we reaffirm our defense of 30,000 missing detainees and we continue to fight for the homeland with which they dreamed. This year again, we committed ourselves to democracy to elect representatives for the next four years. Memory and unity are the tools necessary to recover our rights, because we know that when people build their history, nothing can stop it.

We are here, in unity and with memory, with the people who brandish the flags of 30,000 people. We see their faces on photos, shirts, pins, their names in the streets and schools. We see them in all struggles. Although the government intends to refuse them, they are present and are 30,000 years old.








The document was signed by:

Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo

Mothers Foundation of Plaza de Mayo

Relatives of missing persons detained for political reasons

H.I.J.O.S. Capital city

Permanent Assembly of Human Rights

Permanent Assembly for Human Rights La Matanza

Association of good memory

Center for Legal and Social Studies

Memory, Truth and Justice Committee North Zone

Family and Companions of 12 of the Holy Cross

Argentine Foundation of Historical and Social Memory

Argentine League of Human Rights

Ecumenical Movement for Human Rights


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