March and festival on July 9 and Plaza de Mayo against the government – 07/09/2018


Two events coincide on 9 July in downtown Buenos Aires. Although these calls are different, they both oppose the agreement with the International Monetary Fund, among others, the government of Mauricio Macri. of Labor and the People, Unidad Popular, Vía Campesina, People's Left, Vamos y Seamos Libres concentrated in the Avenida de Mayo and Luis Sáenz Peña, then walking towards Plaza de Mayo . K actors call for another march against the IMF: "The Patria no rinde" "data-big =" "data-small =" https : // ” observer=”” data-observer-function=”loadLazyImg”/>

The slogan is "The independence does not negotiate, not the IMF" and postulates that "this 9th of July, we must keep the flags of sovereignty and In the current context of a government that resorts to debt and the IMF, taking its adjustment receipts and its exclusion for millions of compatriots. "

" We believe that is the moment to unite to confront the aggressive Macri policy and change against the economy of the popular sectors, sinking into the productive development of our nation " say the center-left parties.

The Free South will parade with its leaders Tumini, Ceballos, Victoria, Laura Velasco of Capital, accompanied by the leader of Barrios de Pie, Daniel Menéndez.

  Demonstrations and demonstrations in downtown Buenos Aires against the government. (Photo Maxi Failla)

Demonstrations and demonstrations in downtown Buenos Aires against the government. (Photo Maxi Failla)

Another manifestation will be that of the Kirchnerist actors who demonstrate by repudiating the government's agreement with the IMF.

  Demonstrations and demonstrations in downtown Buenos Aires against the government. (Photo Maxi Failla)

Demonstrations and demonstrations in downtown Buenos Aires against the government. (Photo Maxi Failla)

The demonstration takes place from 13, with the slogan "The homeland does not give up" where they return to agree with the Argentine flags and call to sing the national anthem. The columns of militants with Argentine flags began to arrive after noon in the vicinity of the scene located at the intersection of avenues 9 de Julio and Belgrano where there will be severe criticism of the direction of Mauricio Macri, the economic direction, and in particular the agreement with the international organization, animated by musical performances of the former Minister of Culture, Teresa Parodi, Liliana Herrero, among others artists.

From the square, Roberto Baradel the head of SUTEBA, the largest teacher union in the province, was the subject of strong criticism against the government and the government. agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

. that the IMF program has consequences for the Argentines, "he said." They clearly lead to a brutal adjustment, which is why we must oppose this, we know that Argentina has resources, Argentina produces food for more than 400 million people, 40 million people and more than 30% below the poverty line, obviously the wealth is removed by a few. "

The Cámpora, the CTA of Hugo Yasky, the Argentine Association of Actors, with a group of K artists such as Paola Barrientos (ex-Galicia), Osmar Núñez (the two interlocutors of the last call ) called via social networks with videos calling to mobilize

"This July 9 we are all on July 9 shout no to the IMF. The country does not surrender " it is the slogan of the convocation.

This is the second edition of these characteristics.The first was under the slogan " The country is in danger " and made in another country date: May 25 at the Obelisk

There, in addition to the presence of actors and actresses, there was a strong presence of management from Kirchner as former Foreign Minister Jorge Taiana, deputies Máximo Kirchner, Andrés "Cuervo" Larroque, Daniel Filmus, Leopoldo Moreau, Gabriela Cerruti, among others.

  Events and demonstrations in the center of Buenos Aires against the government (Photo Maxi Failla)

Demonstrations and protests in downtown Buenos Aires against the government (Photo Maxi Failla)

On this occasion, various officials, such as Vice President Gabriela Michetti, criticized the slogan of the march

but the act Juan Acosta went further and recorded a video in which he pointed out that "the country was in danger with everything that was stolen" in reference to the Kirchner administration. And before the new call, he did it again, with an ironic video where he asked his colleagues: "Render accounts."

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