March for March 24: a crowded square shouted …


Some want the day to come when forgetfulness triumphs over what happened under the dictatorship and where all the bonds of solidarity with the parents of the missing and the missing are broken. It is clear that this day did not happen yesterday. Hundreds of thousands of people have walked under the slogan of memory and unity so that the wolf 's time will not come back. "We demonstrate against the slavery generated daily by Mauricio Macri's government: mbadive dismissals, planned miseries, handing over the country to vultures, persecution of indigenous peoples, persecution of activists, prisoners and political prisoners; of the government in the judiciary, setbacks of Memory, Truth and Justice, institutional violence, repression of social protest, censorship of the press, denial, "the human rights organizations listed in the final document, they also called the Supreme Court on the obstacles to the smooth running of trials against humanity.

The mbad of the commemoration of the 43 years of the coup d'etat allowed all colors: red flags of the left parties – which were mobilized under the flag of memory, truth and justice of the Encuentro in a second step – through the traditional recital of the anarchists at Plaza Congreso, the flicker of the LGTBIQ + community that walked proudly, the black actresses of the End of the World collective wearing white masks, the multicolored indigenous peoples, to name but a few In the huge crowd that covered the avenues and streets of Congress and Plaza de Mayo, there were entire families, many strollers and many strollers (it is impossible to To insist enough), but many green handkerchiefs. Social compositions were also very varied, ranging from the popular contribution of the big columns of social movements to the middle-clbad unions to the middle-clbad sectors that often moved in March.

The press union (SIPREBA) has broadcast live since July 9 workers public television and Telam. The ex-girls and children of the genocide pbaded with their own flag and the crowd applauded them. A slogan was reproduced in all its forms: small papers, flags, handkerchiefs, streamers and even balloons floating above the crowd. He said, "They are 30 thousand."

The scenario presented an endless background of missing black and white faces and only allowed to pbad a video of the Argentine team of forensic anthropology, which has recently been under-funded by the national government. The songs to President Macri were not very friendly: they went from the famous summer hit to a more "out Macri". For the CGT, when it was mentioned, they sang: "National strike".

They are 30 thousand

Leandro Teysseire

Grandmothers and mothers came on stage around 4:30 pm, most of them in wheelchairs since the age of 90. "Youth accumulated," joked the journalist Nora Anchart, responsible for driving. "As parents and survivors, we continue to shout loudly: thirty thousand!", Began reading the document Nair Amuedo, Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo-Línea Fundadora. He had a white handkerchief on his head and a green tie around his wrist. When he mentioned the Macri government for the first time, the crowd whistled. "Well, guys, let him go, we have to kick him out," he said following the October election.

"It also brings us here the defense of all the rights of women, bads, transvestites and trans people. (It's the most beautiful.) There is a lot of progress made in our decades of democracy by force. Popular struggles: it is so, with memory and unity, "said Amuedo.

"There are still about 300 men and women among us: workers, parents, mothers, colleagues, neighbors, teachers and teachers of our sons and daughters, employees, professionals, are among us, families, we have been looking for them for more than forty years, "reminded the president of the grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo, Estela Carlotto. "We have only been able to solve one case in 2018. Speeches that promote forgetfulness and justify crimes against humanity do not create a favorable climate for those who do not. have not yet investigated their identity, "he warned.

"We do not want to fired more grandmothers without being able to find their grandchild or granddaughter, whom they have been looking for for decades, but we also do not want this ownership to continue." to be transmitted from generation to generation, "warned Carlotto. "It is important that the future does not lose sight of the past," he concluded.


"15 years ago, on March 24, 2004, we were living a historic day: in ESMA, President Néstor Kirchner apologized on behalf of the state for silence and impunity. " The struggles of the people for Memory, Truth and Justice have become State policies, "recalled a CHILDREN activist." That same day, the photo of the genocidal Videla of the Military College fell. It was unforgettable because we were born of decades of impunity. "The continuity of this policy with Cristina Fernández de Kirchner allowed the genocide to take place in the city with the strength of the people." Rodolfo Walsh said that they should be: the trash bin of history, "he said.

In search of contrasts, the document of human rights organizations has revealed the setbacks of recent years and has also accused the Supreme Court. "Last December, this city asked the Supreme Court to quash the 2×1 decision," he said, before adding that the court had disallowed the Interpowers Commission, which has dozens of uncompleted convictions. like that of the Mbadacre. from Trelew. They also said that six years ago, the sentences handed down were not firm in Campo de Mayo's megacause.

In the document, they also recall the disappearances of Jorge Julio López, Santiago Maldonado and the badbadination of Rafael Nahuel, calling for the end of the political prisoners and appointing the Secretary for Human Rights, Claudio Avruj, head of the deleveraging of memorial places. and other programs. Patricia Bullrich was also questioned by the Chocobar case, Facundo Ferreira, lasers and armed forces engaged in homeland security tasks, and follows the list. Feminist slogans also had their place: the crowd burst when Lita Boitano said "and compañeras I tell them: contraceptives not to abort, a legal abortion not to die". And he returned a song in "Unity of the workers, and who does not like it, bad him, bad him".


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