Marches and counter-marches in Venezuela | Chronic


The President of the National Assembly of Venezuela (NA, parliament), Juan Guaidó, who announced January 23 that he badumed the powers of the executive as acting president, announced the "coalition of humanitarian aid" with collection centers in Cúcuta (Colombia) and Brazil.

"There are between 250,000 and 300,000 Venezuelans risking death"He said from a platform located on a square in the east of Caracas, where a large-scale protest was held in support of the protest. recognition of the European Parliament in Guaidó.

The opposition politician in Chavismo also said that there would be a collection center on a Caribbean island, without specifying which one. He added that this help would begin to be organized in the coming days.

He also badured that this first support will go to the population more "vulnerable" and that the military will be those who have in their hands the decision to help Venezuela. "And in the coming days, we will ask the support of the people of Venezuela so that all this humanitarian aid can actually enter.", added at the time who had warned that this would not be simple, reported the EFE news agency.

Guaidó pointed out that humanitarian aid to Venezuela, a country plunged into a serious economic crisis characterized by a shortage of food and medicine, was the most important thing at that time. He asked his supporters to stay on the street at events that will be announced soon.

For its part, the government of Nicolás Maduro He has repeatedly rejected the inflow of humanitarian aid into the country, saying it would only spark foreign intervention, especially from the United States, a country that last week announced $ 20 million in aid to the country. Venezuelan people.

Maduro has ratified that he will not step aside. (@PresidencialVen)

A similar position is exercised by the armed forces, while the relevant issue of Chavism, Diosdado CabelloHe noted that Venezuela does not need to "alms".

The streets are still chavistas

Thousands of supporters of Venezuelan Chavismo celebrated today in the street the 20 years of the so-called Bolivarian revolution at the origin of its maximum leader, the late former president Hugo Chavez and that President Nicolás Maduro continued from 2013.

The celebration took place at a time when Maduro is strongly rejected by a large part of the international community because he was elected in a fraudulent process and in full political crisis after the proclamation of the President of the National Assembly (NA, parliament), Juan Guaidó, president in charge of Venezuela.

I also read: Maduro proposes to advance legislative elections

At the event in Caracas, which took place this afternoon on Bolivar Avenue, an iconic street where Chávez used to gather thousands of his followers, was Maduro's cabinet, the militia (an organization of civilians attached to the armed forces). ), officials and supporters of Chavez.

"Today, we celebrate 20 years of work, struggle, progress and important achievements, despite the difficulties and imperial conspiracies.The Bolivarian Revolution is a people who decided to freely claim, with the Our commander Chávez, everyone!Maduro said on Twitter.

We are celebrating 20 years of hard work, struggles, progress and important achievements, despite imperial difficulties and plots. The Bolivarian Revolution is a city that has decided to be free to claim, in the hands of our commander. Chávez Congratulations to all!

– Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro)
February 2, 2019

Diosdado Cabello, while sharing the same social network, indicated that "neither threats nor attacks" the "they will go out" of his "road", referring to the statements of the international community, in particular the United States asking Maduro to leave power.

In the concentration also the different spokesmen of the government, among which the ministers and the Chancellor of Venezuela, Jorge Arreazathey expressed his rejection of the measures taken by the government of Donald Trump, that they are constantly accusing of being at the origin of coups d'etat and the crisis in the country, informed the EFE news agency.

Our struggle for self-determination is deeply rooted in the historical independence struggles of our liberators. From this comes the strength with which we defend the sovereignty and the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

– Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro)
February 2, 2019


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