Marcó del Pont opposed the dollarization of the Argentine economy


The head of the central bank, Mercedes Marcó del Pont, badyzed the recent economic policy measures launched by the government

The head of the central bank, Mercedes Marcó del Pont, badyzed the current situation and the recent economic policy measures taken by the government.

He described them as necessary, though late. The economist also referred to the Wall Street Journal's recommendations regarding a dollarization of the economy and told LN +: "It would be the last blow for national sovereignty."

"We already had with convertibility what meant the deepest crisis in our history and it was a step forward towards dollarization full of the economy. We aspire to build an industrial country, sovereign, inclusive and equitable. Far from resigning our own currency, "said Marcó del Pont about the recent editorial of the Wall Street Journal.

The former Banco Nacional said that the latest government measures, "They will serve to decompress the economic problem."

However, he stressed throughout the interview that if the regulation had been raised last year "You could have avoided so much debt without compensation." He added: "The government has generated during these almost four years usury and unnecessary, avoidable sacrifice".

The specialist He described the measures as patches that the government took "without conviction", stating that they are "against their thinking". In the same sense, he reinvented the vision that he shares with Kirchnerism and explained that Argentine inflation "is closely related to the dollar".

"In the government finally they discovered very late that the dollar was tied to the process of price formation in our country ", Marcó del Pont pointed out. "It was clear that the flight of domestic capital is a problem that needs to be addressed if we want to discuss monetary stability, the disinflation of the economy and other problems, such as poverty," he said. he declared.

In any case, although Marcó del Pont criticized the actions of the government of Mauricio Macri, he said that "to address the IMF was the only option" that the ruling party had again differentiated the current situation of the crisis of 2001. "There are no critical conditions at the time.Today, the dollars are in the system," he said.

On the other hand, although Marcó del Pont is part of the economic team of Alberto Fernández, he hesitated to give more details about his role, in the case of a candidate's victory Front of all. For now, he has preferred to draw attention to the importance of generating consensus and political legitimacy. "The truth is that we are working with many economists to try to see how to meet these challenges", He explained about it.

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