Marco Enriquez Ominami: "The crisis in Chile does not provide for an increase of 30 dollars, but a democracy exhausted for 30 years"


The former president of Chile, Marco Enriquez Ominami, He said that the increase in metro fares was indeed the trigger for the crisis that is now affecting the country with acts of violence, fires and clashes with the police causing at least 18 deaths . However, he clarified that in reality "It's not 30 pesos, but 30 years of an exhausted democracy".

In dialogue with the agency Télamthe leader of the Progressive Party admitted that the citizen revolt had its origin in raising rates "was not expected by anyone", but it is explained in the fact that "freedom without dignity is not freedom; freedom with a minimum wage of $ 150, no that makes sense. "

In this sense, Enriquez Ominami declared that the situation and the suffering of the dead and wounded were very recent to evaluate the fate of this movement. "Someone said that there were not 30 pesos, but 30 years, thirty years of an exhausted democracy, which was going to provoke a reaction, although it was true that not always a protest vote is a proposal vote"he said.

Peaceful demonstrations in the streets of Santiago led to violent passages with the police. (Photo: EFE)
Peaceful demonstrations in the streets of Santiago led to violent passages with the police. (Photo: EFE)

"It is a representative democracy with a huge absenteeism, and it is true that social majorities are not always political majorities, and such moments do not always lead to a great political moment," he said. added.

The leader felt that this conflict put on the political scene a great plebiscite on justice and the social order. "Unfortunately, the referee of this plebiscite – President Piñera – has already decided not to show empathy towards one of the parties," he said.

Since the beginning of the social outburst, 18 people have died, most of them caught in fires reportedly reported by commercial looting. (Photo: EFE)
Since the beginning of the social outburst, 18 people have died, most of them caught in fires reportedly reported by commercial looting. (Photo: EFE)


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