Marco Lavagna after meeting with Lacunza: the agreement with the IMF failed due to government violations


After the meeting, Mr. Lavagna did not hesitate to point out to the press that "the agreement with the IMF had already failed because of the non-compliance" contracted by the government of Mauricio Macri. And warned: "I think you have to sit down and renegotiate a new deal. It may be something that the next government should finish, but You can start now. You have to negotiate with the IMF to get more room for maneuver in the next administration. We need to give more predictability and margin to the next government. "

Mr. Lavagna said that the priority was to "stabilize the situation", then to face a table "that is the way forward to change the Argentine economy." We can not continue in a situation in which we are in permanent fall after fall, stabilize first, then we start to modify. "

The national deputy said that he also spoke to Lacunza about the different instruments to gradually boost the economy and detailed, "for example, we are discussing how to give more working capital to SMEs".


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