Marco Rubio supports in situ | The Republican Senator …


US Senator Marco Rubio arrived yesterday in Cucuta, Colombia, to oversee the humanitarian aid sent by his country to Venezuela. During his stay in this city, capital of the northern department of Santander, the Republican also plans to meet officials of the Colombian government and visit the Simón Bolívar bridge, the main border crossing point between the two countries. Rubio, a senator from the state of Florida, is one of the closest deputies to US President Donald Trump, and one of the fiercest opponents of the Nicolás Maduro government.

"I arrived in Colombia this morning (yesterday) and today a large amount of humanitarian aid will arrive in Venezuela and I will meet officials who are leading efforts to store aid at the border. in order to distribute it to the suffering populations of Venezuela, "reported Rubio's press service via Twitter. The legislator traveled with the United States Ambbadador to the Organization of American States (OAS), Carlos Trujillo, as well as Republican MP Mario Díaz-Balart, with whom he will oversee the Humanitarian aid sent by his country through the agency of the peace. United States for International Development (USAID). This agency was involved in a strategy organized by Washington to undermine Chavismo's power in Venezuela after the ephemeral state coup in the Caribbean country of 2002. According to the WikiLeaks leak site in 2013, he was then ambbadador of United States to Venezuela. William Brownfield, who sent the list of operations against the government of Hugo Chávez which has been operational since 2004. These included the objectives of the Chavez division, the protection of a vital activity for the United States and isolation of the president at the international level. To this end, according to the leaked document, USAID has donated nearly $ 15 million to 300 anti-Chavez organizations, some of which were preparing false human rights violations in the country to prosecute. Venezuela before the International Court of Human Rights. Justice in order to discredit the credibility of government actions at the international level.

This Saturday, three American Air Force C-17 aircraft arrived at Cucuta Airport, loaded with tons of nutritional supplements and hygiene kits, in addition to humanitarian aid sent by the country a week ago. Cúcuta, as well as Curacao and the Brazilian state of Roraima, are the collection points for humanitarian aid, which was added last Friday in Miami.

Venezuela's opposition yesterday also installed a dozen camps throughout the country. They counted thousands of people who, according to them, will benefit from the aid collected in Cúcuta and hope to enter the next day.

According to MP Winston Flores, hundreds of doctors, psychologists, nutritionists and volunteers from opposition political parties are employed in humanitarian camps, as well as among the more than 600,000 volunteers from a network that will work to the government account. In this regard, he asked the military to let in the aid before repeated refusals from the Maduro government to accept them.

The self-proclaimed interim president, Juan Guaidó, has given priority to the entry of humanitarian aid to Venezuela and indicated that the donations will enter the next 23 with the support of the citizens and the international community, mainly from nations like the United States and Colombia, which recognize it as a priority. legitimate authority of the country. Guaidó called that day to train caravans at the border to, according to him, accompany such badistance.

The Venezuelan government, for its part, denies the humanitarian crisis and has stated that it will not accept donations, considering that this could lead to an armed invasion. This is also believed by the Cuban government, led by President Miguel Díaz-Canel. "Cuba's revolutionary government denounces the escalating pressure and actions of the US government to prepare a military adventure disguised as a" humanitarian intervention "in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and the international community must prevent it. tweeted the president last week. Last weekend, before the arrival of American planes in Colombia, he reiterated his support for the Bolivarian government: "The Cuban people … demand respect for sovereignty and peace. Venezuela. "


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