Marcos Peña, on changes in the armed forces: "What is changed are directives, not laws"


Source: Archives – Credit: Hernán Zenteno

President Mauricio Macri announced today that he will organize a redefinition of the deployment of units and send more soldiers to the northern border to fight the

drug trafficking
. Most of
The opposite arch left to criticize this announcement with particular emphasis on the consequences that an intervention of these armed forces could have on matters of internal security.

Marcos Peña
was in the program
From the plain led by Joaquín Morales Solá and transmitted by
TN and explained what are the changes announced by the Chief Executive, with the intention of providing tranquility to the people. When he was consulted: "The President announced today that the armed forces will play a greater role of collaboration with internal security." There are two laws, the National Defense Law and the National Security Law, that prevent the armed forces from performing their tasks. Homeland Security Could you explain what the President said? "

Peña explained that

raises the need for a strategic overhaul of the armed forces. according to the times. "There are a lot of ghosts looking to tremble," he said, about the criticisms received. The official has tried to clarify that Macri's announcement is not about changing the laws but guidelines: "What relates to internal security is prohibited by law and we will not go change that. " What is framed in the current laws It must be able to do in this context, what is changed are guidelines, these are not laws, it is to give logistical support to tasks related to new threats such as drug trafficking or terrorism. a change in the legal doctrine of our country that the armed forces participate in internal security.

In this line, the chief of staff explained that democracy has an "outstanding debt" with the armed forces, to give them a new directive according to the current situation. "The directive must do, centrally, with modernization and with the understanding that today's threats have to do with unconventional issues, they have to do with the support of the government's foreign policy, whether with peace missions or with the different issues that make the regional integration, either with logistical support in emergency situations or in disasters, "he enumerated. Regarding internal security, he explained that the "logistical support" of these forces on this issue is not prohibited by law, but rather "permanently" and can be used, for example, for strategic objectives

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