Margarita Rosa de Francisco disrupts social networks: “How am I as a candidate for the Senate?”


Colprensa Pictures
Colprensa Pictures

For several months, the Historic Pact was formed, led by political movements such as Human Colombia, the Democratic Pole, MAIS and the UP. Under the direction of Gustavo Petro and other politicians that this alliance seeks to participate not only in the presidential elections but in those of the Congress of the Republic.

Several members of the Pact insisted that the actress run for the Senate but have repeatedly assured that she is not going to do so as she is not fully involved in politics and does not have the experience for it. make.

However, this Friday the actress upset social networks with a trill in which she opened the doors of a possible candidacy for the Senate.

“How about me as a candidate for the Senate and at the head of a closed, zipped list of social leaders and distinguished activists of indigenous, black, environmental, transgender, animal rights, d artists, conflict victims and honest politicians. What a patch! “, writes De Francisco.

While some tweeters have celebrated that the actress is considering becoming a senator, there are others that remind her of what she said just a few months ago on the subject. In February of this year the journalist Felipe ZuletaOn her Twitter account, she described Margarita Rosa as “provocative” and that she should now specify whether or not she wishes to participate in politics.

A few minutes later, the actress responded forcefully and she denied having any interest in participating in any political movement in the country. In her response, she recalled when she was one of the candidates to participate in the national reign of beauty almost 20 years ago.

My esteemed Felipe, since I was a candidate for the National Kingdom, my desire to be chosen for something has stopped me. This is why I can say how I feel when I see Colombia so ruined and plundered. If I wanted a public office, I wouldn’t make enemies around here. “said Marguerite.

Senator Gustavo Bolívar told this outlet that the discussion on opening or closing the list has been going on for several months and that last week he expected it to be defined but the Democratic pole postponed the decision, “Because they are in favor of the open list and we are in favor of the closed list. When we get to define whether it’s open or closed, we enter a stage of registering people, because there are a lot of people asking for a clue to enter the Historical Pact and the idea is that a stage registration is open and then comes the political consensus on who will be on the list of both the Senate and the regions in the House.

In the interview, the senator said that if the list is open, he feels a responsibility to run as a candidate again, “Because with my vote, I can draw several candidates who don’t get as many votes. If it’s closed, he had said he wouldn’t go because this is already the person who would vote for the logo of the Historic Pact and there are no more names, there is a list of names, but in itself people vote it is for the political movement and I take advantage of these papayas to go out because the truth is that I need to do something else outside of politics in order not to crack “.

He also said that the main battle of his political movement was to prevent more “sleeves” from infiltrating, referring to Senator Jonathan Tamayo, who came to Congress with the backing of the left but supported Uribe. “No one can come here with other interests than to change country, that if we are a government they don’t ask us for positions or favors, here we really need a commitment” Tenuous.


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