Margarita Stolbizer wanted to raise the complaints against Cambiemos and crossed it from all sides


Former MP Margarita Stolbizer, with an underground profile since the last election, wanted to return to the ring with a slightly worn strategy. Yesterday, he spread that he appeared in court to be part of the cause that was initiated by so-called truchos contributions in the We Change Campaign.

Of course, it was late and in a somewhat controversial manner: he was responsible Governor Maria Eugenia Vidal of the matter, although she was the president of the main party involved. For Stolbizer, the problem with false contributors is that "money of illegal origin has been used", so "it had to be hidden or whitened by putting people in a false condition."

The use of beneficiaries of social plans as contributors Truchos can not pbad as if nothing happened In a serious country, the highest official responsible for ejecting his chair is identified.

– Margarita Stolbizer (@Stolbizer) July 18, 2018

In the oficialismo the attitude of Stolbizer fell badly. In fact, there was a backlash: Assistant Susana Lázzari said Margarita had funded her 2015 election campaign "with Daniel Scioli's money". "It is very odd that the 2015 Margarita campaign would have been financed with Scioli's money," he denounced.

Lázzari's remarks reached Stolbizer's right in the Legislature, the former deputy Marcelo Díaz, to whom he attributes the role of "nexus" in the supposed negotiation. By this denunciation, the government legislator wanted to justify how surprised she was that the leader of the GEN "at this moment, politically, make these denunciations."

But from Kirchnerism they were also responsible for marking the court at Stolbizer. Echoing a statement in which the former radical said that "would not put Vidal as the big boss" of the situation, Senator K Teresa Garcia came to the crossroads on Twitter. "Vidal is responsible, do not save it," he suggested

. @Stolbizer you know the law on the financing of political parties, in its 63 clearly expresses the responsibility of the party chairman. Vidal is the responsabe. Do not save it.

– Maria Teresa Garcia (@TereGarciaOK) July 25, 2018

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