Maria Butina, the young Russian who loves arms and has been accused of being a secret agent of the Kremlin


Maria Butina is linked to a member of the Russian mafia close to Trump's circle Credit: Facebook

MOSCOW (AP) – The news was announced Monday after the historic summit of Trump's president.


Donald Trump
and his pair of


Vladimir Putin
. But it happened before, on weekends. Then the authorities of

the young Russian was arrested
Maria Butina, accused of being a secret agent of the
Kremlin and conspiring against the US government.

And so the theory that links the campaign of
Trump in the 2016 presidential election with Russian officials, the famous Russiagate. Has Butina been appointed to work for Alexander Torshin, a 64-year-old politician and Putin-related banker, linked to the Russian Mafia, who represents the Spanish link to the alleged Russian circle of Trump, as published by newspaper
El País

  Maria Butina is linked to a member of the Russian mafia close to Trump's circle
Maria Butina is linked to a member of the Russian mafia close to Trump's circle Source: AP

young woman is 29 years old and has several photographs on her social networks in which she is seen with weapons of war.

"Butina's mission was to exploit her connections with people in the United States who had influence in American politics, to further the interests of Russia," said Lt. FBI Special Agent Kevin Helson in an affidavit.

The US Attorney's Office says this woman has used her gun activism to infiltrate the National Rifle Association (NRA, which has invested more than $ 21 million in the Republican campaign) and the Republican Party after the election of Trump. In addition, they showed exchanges on Twitter and others between her and Torshin

  Maria Butina is linked to a member of the Russian mafia near the circle of Trump
Maria Butina is linked to a member of the Russian mafia close to Trump's circle Source: Facebook

Since she was young in a Siberian village, Butina has shown a great entrepreneurial ambition, a political trick and a penchant for firearms. This prompted her to leave her original place and relocate to Moscow, where she became friends with an influential senator and founded a group that advocates the legalization of possession of weapons [19659015] Barnaul's School of Political Studies, and opened a furniture business that he enlarged with several stores.

But his ambition went further and he decided to travel to the United States to follow his convictions. There, he attended numerous conclaves on the right and gave speeches in different establishments. He also attended gala dances to celebrate Trump's victory, chairing the NRA-related group The Right to Carry Arms.

  Maria Butina is linked to a member of the Russian mafia near Trump's circle
is linked to a member of the Russian mafia close to Trump's circle Source: Facebook

The defense of Russia

"There is nothing new here, the US intelligence services are looking for Russian citizens not only in the United States but also abroad," warned the Russian ambbadador in the United States, Anatoly Antonov. For her part, Butina's lawyer denied the charges and presented her as a student in international relations at the American University of Washington. "There is no evidence against her" to designate her as a Kremlin agent, she said in a statement

The girl is now in custody and could be sentenced to five years in prison. His detention took place after the United States Department of Justice. will prosecute 12 Russian intelligence agents for hacking members of the Democratic Party during the presidential elections that led Trump to the

White House

  Maria Butina is linked to a member of the Russian mafia close to Trump's circle
Maria Butina is linked to a member of the Russian mafia close to Trump's circle Credit: Facebook

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