Maria Eugenia Vidal: It's boring that not to recognize that there is a woman in charge of governing the province


July 15, 2019
– 08:07

During a television interview, the governor spoke about the criticism she receives from Kirchnerism.

The governor of Buenos Aires Maria Eugenia Vidal He referred to the criticism he receives from Kirchner's bow when he ensures that it generates discomfort. lack of recognition to be a woman responsible for the province of Buenos Aires.

In an interview on the channel America, the official candidate for reelection said bluntly: "It does not bother me that they say that Vidal is Macri, it bothers me not to recognize that there is a woman who governs the province for three and a half years for the first time in the history of the bank. "


In this sense, he badured that, despite being "part of a shared political project", from the direction he directs, they take "your own decisions".

"This is not the first time I am confronted with the machismo of men and women," continued Vidal, adding, "Especially since I decided to engage politically in the province. from Buenos Aires. In the 2015 campaign, it was Heidi, that Vidal is Macri. It seems that Vidal can never be Vidal. "

The former deputy chief of the city of Buenos Aires said that she had disputes with Mauricio Macri, but do not get angry, because the president "is someone who listens and who is not aggressive at all".

"We will remember him as someone brave who was encouraged to make some very difficult but necessary decisions," he predicted.

Regarding a possible triumph of the formula Alberto Fernández-Cristina Kirchner, he considered: "If Alberto wins, he governs the past. There is a majority that will answer Máximo and Cristina at the Congress "


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