María Eugenia Vidal’s fury against Minister Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta and the government’s “double standard”


María Eugenia Vidal, municipal deputy pre-candidate for Together for Change, criticized the Minister of Women, Gender and Diversity, Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta, for having agreed with the President of Peru Pedro Castillo, whom she described What “homophobic” and with whom the official was photographed during her inauguration tour.

I can’t stand government double standards“, sacked the former governor of Buenos Aires by evoking the scandal triggered after 15 deputies asked to sanction Fernando Iglesias placeholder image for tweets identified as misogynistic, amid controversies over visits to Quinta de Olivos in the event of a pandemic.

After repeating that does not agree With the expressions of the opposition member, he pointed the finger at the party in power, which he accused of acting according to the circumstances. It was then that she took Gómez Alcorta – a feminist and a head of diversity – her photo with the Peruvian president, famous for his ancient postures.

Alberto Fernández, Peruvian President Pedro Castillo and Minister Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta.  A controversial photo of the official that María Eugenia Vidal reminded her of.  presidency photo

Alberto Fernández, Peruvian President Pedro Castillo and Minister Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta. A controversial photo of the official that María Eugenia Vidal reminded her of. presidency photo

“Although they are outraged by what Fernando Iglesias said, which is false, they do not do so because of the complaint against Senator José Alperovich, accused of abuse», He added, already in the general government, in an interview with LN +.

In this sense, he pointed out that “They are outraged by a tweet, but not by a complaint”.

Then came the direct recrimination of Gómez Alcorta. “The Minister of Gender agrees with the President of Peru, who is homophobic», Noted the former governor, leaving the usual tone that she usually maintains in her statements.

His smile recalled the viral anger he had with panelist Diego Brancatelli.

“Let us not impose a double bar on those who they have no authority to put it“he blasted.

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