Mariana Brey, criticized in the networks | DailyShow


Social networks are nowadays one of the main targets of criticism and aggression.

The conflict of criticism and opinions for cellulite was developed by Wanda Nara through the dissemination of photographs where he is shown with wells in his belly and his legs and his tail . On this occasion, the darts designated Mariana Brey who went through the same conflict as the blonda.

The journalist accompanied her wish that the summer came with a picture that is on the beach in bikini The picture was taken with her back to the camera and this was the trigger point that caused some supporters criticize her for her physique. " You have a little cellulite, do not do the" Let's kill Wanda " a user launched and the answer of the panelist of The angels of the morning did not delay to arrive: " And that would be the cellulite? A hole in the bad? Look at yours You must in to have too, like one hundred percent of women. "

Mariana Brey

The woman who did not want her to be quiet before her badertion, she still scolded him: "But the difference is that I do not show it to bad someone." one, Tarambana, you sell I do not know what, I'm just a veterinarian "

It seemed to end and get lost in some messages on social networks, the dialogue continued in private but Mariana Brey posted it on Instagram Stories. " I show it because, unlike you, I love my wells."

Without taboos or hair on the tongue, the journalist declared to be proud of her and her body in the natural and made it clear

Meet the publication on the scandal!

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