Mariano Íúdica wanted to be funny in the street and he was planted by a florist


May 30, 2019
– 07:05

On the day that there was a general strike, the Involved driver wanted to interview a trader who was not in a mood mood, he became insistent and almost beaten. .

The cycle involved America seeks to be a news magazine combined with chimentos and humor that tries to add Mariano Iúdica. And we say try because many times "It's alright" and ends up provoking high caliber scandals like when he forcibly kissed his cycle partner, Pía Shaw live, which has not been sanctioned by far, compared to other cases such as Ari Paluchfor example


But this Wednesday, Playful he wanted to put the joy (or what he defines as such) in a day marked by a general strike triggered by thousands and thousands of workers who are not doing well at all, like the florist "caught point"

Interested in getting "the street view"Iidica directed the microphone to a bad-tempered florist and pushed him away with who knows what idea in the head, Playful He became insistent, he made him morisqueta and even challenged him to fight "clown"Until the merchant explodes and goes looking for it.

Fortunately, the mobile phone producer managed to stop him, while the pilot fled the race …


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