Marie Claire | Sweden: King excludes some of his grandchildren from the royal house


Moment of changes in the Swedish royal house. King Carlos Gustavo decided that He left the children of Princes Magdalena and Carlos Felipe outside the central core of the royal family. The only children who will remain comor the heirs will be those of Princess Victoria. And so he showed a picture published by the royal family.

A landmark decision: the king's grandchildren will not have the royal title

The decision has been incorporated into a statement that makes it clear that the reason for these changes is simply to establish who are the family members who serve the crown.

"The children of Prince Carlos Felipe and Princess Sofia and the children of Princess Magdalena and Mr. Christopher O'Neill will no longer be members of the Royal House.

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It is not expected that in the future they will perform tasks related to the Head of State. They will not retain the dignity of the Royal Highness, but their respective titles, "the statement said.

Carlos Felipe and his wife Sofía and Magdalena will continue to serve as representatives of the Crown. Alone Christopher O'Neill, Princess's husband, was out of place in wanting to keep in touch with his professional activity.

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However, with this decisionchildren of both marriages will be excluded from any act related to the Housenot so much of the royal family, of which they will always be members.

There has been a lot of talk about the issue of Magdalena children's titles since since they reside in the United States, they are jeopardizing their rights to the Throne.

The Swedish constitution stipulates that princes who do not develop their schooling in the country lose automatically inheritance rights, which does not seem to have worried the daughter of Carlos Gustavo, established in Florida.

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The case of Carlos Felipe is different since his children never left Sweden.. However, although the declaration of kings makes it clear that they will no longer be Royal Highnesses and only princes by mere courtesy, nothing has been written about the issue of succession, which seems well secured with the Victoria family.

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