Marie Claire | World Breast Cancer Day: healthy habits to prevent it


Every year, m is diagnosedmore than 19 thousand new cases of breast cancer in our country but the positive fact is that It is curable by more than 95 percent cases.

We think that The risk of suffering from this type of cancer is one in eight women. Experts say the best way to fight this disease is prevention, a healthy lifestyle and early detection, crucial to increase survival rates.

Get frequent self-examinations of breasts and periodic mammograms They are fundamental. To continue to progress in this area, it is important to stop making it a taboo subject and, far from it, to shed light on the questions we always ask ourselves in silence, but that we do not dare to formulate. aloud.

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Healthy habits to prevent it

Dr. Angels Arcusa, an oncologist, answered the five most popular questions asked by women.

Automatic scans?

It is appropriate to explore yourself as directed by your doctor, oronce every 2-3 weeksbut not obsessed.

Frequency of revisions according to age?

If we refer to mammography, revisions can be annual from age 40 there are risk factors – such as a family history of cancer – or every two years from age 50 without any risk factors.

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The examination or examination by a gynecologist or other specialist must be performed every time you visit, even for another reasonand of course if the self-examination reveals an abnormality or an alteration of the breast.

Activities to avoid
Sedentary lifestyle, overeating and poor nutrition of vegetables, legumes and fruits
. Also thework and obesity. In regards to hormone replacement therapy after menopauseMost studies suggest that it should not be prolonged for more than 5 years, but it is the gynecologist who should adapt this treatment to each woman.

Is it true that sport is recommended as a means of prevention?

Absolutely: regular physical activity and sports prevent the appearance of certain types of cancer like breast, certain heart diseases and strokes.

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They also prevent the metabolic syndrome, hypercholesterolemia and hypertension. They improve the emotional state and self-esteem. But it is necessary to know what is done and how it is done. It is therefore advisable to find out what type of activity suits us best.

5. What is still hurting?

Above all, do not pass the necessary exams and do not improve our lifestyle, make it healthier.

From Marie Claire Spain

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