Mario Vargas Llosa fears “catastrophe” if Castillo’s victory in Peru is confirmed and asked to wait for the decision of the electoral jury


Mario Vargas Llosa
Mario Vargas Llosa

Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa urged his compatriots this Sunday to wait for the National Election Jury (JNE) to clarify the differences that arise in his country after the June 6 poll and noted that “The word fraud is very dangerous” in this context.

“I think this is the body that should intervene in this case (…) it is the highest authority to determine whether there has been fraud or not,” said Vargas Llosa, noting that this word should therefore not yet refer to what is happening in Peru.

“Perhaps it would be prudent, while the jury is not ruling on the matter, not to mention the word fraud”

The Nobel Prize for Literature ratified in an interview from Madrid to Channel N television sound support for the right-wing candidate Keiko Fujimori, even if she indicated that the information she has on the political tensions facing her country “are very partial, insufficient, to have a precise idea of ​​what is happening in Lima”.

Peru faces a big division after the second electoral round on June 6, which pitted Fujimori against leftist Pedro Castillo, who leads the tally with just over 49,400 votes while 99.935% of the votes have already been reviewed.

A Peruvian citizen chooses the ballot on the Ifema campus in Madrid.  EFE / Paolo Aguilar / Archives
A Peruvian citizen chooses the ballot on the Ifema campus in Madrid. EFE / Paolo Aguilar / Archives


Vargas Llosa underlined that Fujimori assured him that there are “many indications that the voting records have been altered, in addition to having been the victim of these alterations and that is why asked the jury for national elections to decide ”.

While he reiterated that the JNE should be allowed to resolve the challenges Fujimori has thrown at hundreds of voting records, the writer also considered “something incomprehensible” that the agency extended the deadline for receiving such requests and canceled a few hours later.

“I think the JNE is in a position to speak out on the issue persuasively and clearly”

“I do not quite understand with what criteria a few hours later he cancels what he had determined in the morning and then he does not give an explanation about it,” he said.

But the JNE explained their decision, since he indicated that he had “reconsidered” the measure, which was never formalized, after having analyzed a previous resolution of the Constitutional Court which established that electoral standards are “peremptory and peremptory”, In other words, mandatory and strictly subject to the conditions in force at the time of their application.

Supporters of Peruvian presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori hold up posters that say "National Election Jury (JNE) #Takeyourhatoff, without impartiality there is no democracy" at a demonstration in Lima, Peru on June 12, 2021. REUTERS / Alessandro Cinque
Supporters of Peruvian presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori hold signs reading “National Election Jury (JNE) #Takeyourhatoff, without impartiality there is no democracy” during a protest in Lima, Peru, on June 12 2021. REUTERS / Alessandro Cinque


The author reiterated that the JNE “is the institution that Peruvians must trust, because it is the institution that has the power to make decisions in this regard”.

“I think the JNE is in a position to speak out on the matter convincingly and clearly”, Note.

He added that the electorate “must or should not justify the word fraud” alleged by Fujimori and his supporters, although he considered this “word very dangerous”.

“Perhaps it would be prudent, while the jury is not out on the matter, not to mention the word fraud,” he said.

REUTERS / Sébastien Castaneda
REUTERS / Sébastien Castaneda


Vargas Llosa also came up against the controversy sparked by a phone call he received from Peruvian President Francisco Sagasti, denying having had any “inappropriate” intervention in calling him to talk about the situation in his country.

“The president did not at all try to influence me to ask Ms. Fujimori to accept the election result,” he said categorically in response to the versions released by Fujimori herself on the actions of the President.

Peruvian presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori from Fuerza Popular participates in a debate with Pedro Castillo of Peru Libre this Sunday, in Arequipa (Peru).  EFE / Sebastián Castañeda / Swimming pool
Peruvian presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori from Fuerza Popular participates in a debate with Pedro Castillo of Peru Libre this Sunday, in Arequipa (Peru). EFE / Sebastián Castañeda / Swimming pool

He explained that Sagasti “was very concerned about the climate of exacerbation that he noticed in the streets of Peru” and “he proposed interventions with the two candidates to calm the existing climate a little”.

The president also said the same.

The writer revealed that he replied that he could not intervene because he is “clearly in favor of Ms. Fujimori”, a position that the president “accepted”.

“The president didn’t try to influence me at all”


Despite the fact that the campaign is already over, Vargas Llosa maintained a proselytizing tone and pointed out that in his country “a lot of people” who are “still” Fujimori and even anti-Fujimoristas, as in his case, support Fujimori because ‘they do not want “the catastrophe that would be a government of Mr. Castillo”.

He said the left-wing candidate and founder of the Peru Free party, Vladimir Cerrón, “offers crazy and absurd things” on the management of the country and its economy.

“If this candidate becomes president, the catastrophe that all Peruvians will suffer will be immeasurable and will have a lot to do with what Venezuela is going through,” he said.

FILE PHOTO: Peruvian presidential candidate Pedro Castillo speaks to supporters from his party headquarters in Lima, June 8, 2021. REUTERS / Sébastien Castaneda
FILE PHOTO: Peruvian presidential candidate Pedro Castillo speaks to supporters from his party headquarters in Lima, June 8, 2021. REUTERS / Sébastien Castaneda

The writer considered, however, that “there is still a chance that Ms. Fujimori wins“And recalled that” of course, in a spirit of concord, of acceptance of legality, it is necessary to let the JNE work so that it can give its opinion with all the necessary calm.

Despite the tension, Vargas Llosa assured that once the organization proclaims the winner “without a doubt”, it “will recognize the result”.

(With information from EFE)


Keiko Fujimori insisted there was “fraud” in Peru elections
Peru sent a protest note to Argentina for Alberto Fernández’s congratulations to Pedro Castillo ahead of official election results

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