Mark Mobius: "If Macri manages to introduce the reforms that he wishes, Argentina could very well do"


Latin America attracts the attention of a seasoned investor Mark Mobius as you go Brazil and Argentina They embark on economic reforms that could change their destiny.

Brazil, the largest economy in the region, is making significant progress in reforming its public pension system, while Argentinian leader Mauricio Macri, in favor of promoting advertising, could introduce more reforms in his country. 39, he won another term in the elections. October.

"As far as Argentina is concerned, we are following it closely"Mobius said in an interview with Bloomberg TV. "If Macri manages to introduce the reforms he wants, the country could do very well. And we see that changes in the reform in Brazil are beginning to penetrate Argentina, because they are paying attention. "

Foreigners withdrew $ 5 billion in investments in Brazil in 2019. Source: Bloomberg.
Foreigners withdrew $ 5 billion in investments in Brazil in 2019. Source: Bloomberg.

Mobius, who created Mobius Capital Partners LLP last year after thirty years Franklin Templeton InvestmentsHe said the trade war between the United States and China was a "revolutionary change" for the global economy.

The trade dispute creates opportunities for emerging markets such as Vietnam, Bangladesh, Turkey and Egypt, while companies are looking for low-cost alternative production centers, the investor said.

Here are some other comments from Mobius:


  • China will become one of the dominant players, if it is the most dominant in the world, and the rules it will impose will be somewhat different from those in the United States.
  • When China enters Africa, Latin America, and other countries, they will also start demanding more equitable trade with China.

Investment approach:

  • Mobius Capital is based on two pillars: finding and participating in undervalued companies to improve their governance
  • The investment company wants companies that listen to shareholders and respect their rights; It also focuses on companies concerned about the environment and workers' rights.


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