Mark Zuckerberg advocated that Facebook publish ads containing false information or lies.


In a sentence that has sparked controversy around the world, Mark Zuckerberg defended policy Facebook of publish campaign ads containing false statements or lies, and admitted that these tensions are something we must "live" with.

"People care about me, and I also want to erode the truth," Zuckerberg told the newspaper. The Washington Post, before delivering a speech at Georgetown University in Washington.

"At the same time, I do not think people want to live in a world where you can only say things that tech companies decide are one hundred percent true. And I think we have to live with these tensions. "

During his speech, he insisted that in a democracy, "people should decide what is credible, not technology companies", although he admitted that there are exceptions "We do not allow content that incites violence or an imminent risk of harm," he said.

"Given the delicate nature of the political announcements, I have considered no longer authorizing them," Zuckerberg said, saying that the ban on election propaganda favored people already in public office or the public. candidates for re-election.

"Even if we wanted to ban political ads, we do not know exactly where we should place the limit.There are many more announcements on topics than on elections," said the man. 39, business, who said: "There are still problems if you reduce this number.", So he felt that they should be wrong "on the side of a greater expression."

Warren vs Facebook

Zuckerberg's statements come after Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren posted ads on Facebook, mistakenly claiming that the founder of the social network was supporting President Donald Trump in his re-election.

Warren, who admits in the announcement that this statement is false, strongly criticized the monopoly of technology companies.

The biggest Facebook controversy in recent years took place in March 2018 when it was learned that the British Cambridge Analytica firm had used an app to collect millions of data from the users of the flat without their consent and for political purposes.

The company used social network data to develop psychological profiles of voters who would have sold to President Trump's campaign in the 2016 election, among others.

The impact of this information has led the company based in Menlo Park (California, USA) to open an investigation into how users are using applications with which Facebook works or maintains agreements, which led to the suspension . tens of thousands of applications that do not respect its rules of use.


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