Markets with which he seeks to achieve governance


Waiting Together for change adjust the details for the so-called "Million March" next saturday that even though I can not muster this ambitious figure around the Obeliskit will be a show of force that will be even reproduced in twenty cities abroad.

Yesterday Macri he still felt the popular warmth sought in Cordoba that next to the City they are the only two places where he triumphed in the STEP, the same province that earned him the triumph in 2015. First Visit Fourth riverwhere he came out strongly against him Before everyone: "We do not want more gangsters in our country, we do not want more alive, we want people who work"and referring to the performance of Alberto Fernandez during the presidential debate last Sunday, he condemned: "We do not want more fingers to discipline us and tell us how we should think and how we should live, we do not want arrogant people who think they own power.".

At dusk, he played in another massive march in Villa Carlos Paz. Quickly, he asked in an aphonic voice to the crowd: "And where are the buses, how did they get here, walking?", marking the differences on the path of the mobilization of Peronism. Accompanied by his wife Juliana Awada and the radical member Mario NegriHe told the participants: "They will blow up my heart". Cordoba, it seems, definitely his place in the world. "24 times as president, I came to the province as president"He shouted at them and recognized them: "You are the engine of our country". Still the head of State talked about defending the "values".


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"These last few times have been very difficult and it has become very difficult at the end of the month, especially for the middle class, and many were angry, but we tell them that we share the same values. step will be focused on relief ", was the classic reference of Macri to the crisis and its effect on disenchanted voters of change. The songs of "If we can", alternated with the words of the first president.

In this direction, Macri he again asked for time to overcome the difficulties encountered with the examples of his management MouthJuniors "The first classics were won by Ramón Díaz and after winning 17 victories in a row", he recalled- and in the City -He repeated the works that took time to avoid the floods- and reiterated the activism that "We do not go back to the past".

Moreover, in the campaign team of Together for change continue to mobilize for the "Million March" scheduled for next Saturday at 5 pm in the Obelisk. In the ruling party, they claim not to seek to gather a million people in the iconic monument of July 9th and currents as he knew how to join in 1983 Raul Alfonsin in his closing campaign memory, but they argue that they will be able to approach this figure with the mobilizations that will run parallel in other cities in the interior of the country and also from the outside.

The chancellery from the web votemosenelexterior – which was first designed to help Argentine residents abroad to participate in the vote – organizes the marches of the "If we can" in cities abroad. here's how "Million March" from Saturday, October 19th at Obelisk Buenos Aires will have its international counterpart since demonstrations have also begun to be organized in several cities of the world, in support of the formula composed by the president. Mauricio Macri and the Peronist Senator Miguel Angel Pichetto.

The organizers, a group of leaders and activists who promote the re-election of Macri, decided to redouble bets by coordinating marches in cities like Adelaidein Australia; or Torontoin Canada, in addition to Madrid, Paris, Rome, Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo and Miamil & # 39; Uruguayan Cologne or Santiago de Chile. On this website, information on places and times outside the country has been disseminated: due to local regulations, demonstrations will take place, in some cases, on Sunday 20 October (for example at New York, at the age of 11, at the monument to San Martin).


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