Married couple died from coronavirus and orphaned their five children


Davy Macias, from 37 years, was intubated and died from complications of covid-19 when the doctors helped her deliver her daughter. She couldn’t see her baby. Her husband, Daniel Macías, from 39 years old, could only be with her daughter for a few minutes, since she was also hospitalized after contracting the virus. According to Davy’s sister-in-law Terri Serey, Daniel waited to name the baby because he believed he and his wife would leave the hospital alive to present the newborn to their four other children.

But roughly speaking one week after delivery, Davy is dead. And two weeks later, Daniel too. Daniel “was kind enough to send me a picture of the baby,” Serey said. The Washington Post. But “this is the last text I received from him.”

Davy and Daniel Macias of Yucaipa, Calif., Are among the 658,000 Americans who coronavirus death, Since the delta variant causes a resurgence of cases and health officials vie to immunize a population divided over whether to get vaccinated. Davy Macias was not vaccinated because she was pregnant, Serey said. It is not clear if Daniel has been vaccinated.

Daniel Macias and Davy Maciaa a few weeks before passing away. Photo: Courtesy of Terri Serey

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention they asked pregnant women get vaccinated, because studies show that coronavirus vaccines does not increase the risk spontaneous abortions. On the contrary, research shows that pregnant women face an increased risk of severe symptoms of COVID-19, preterm labor and “other adverse pregnancy outcomes” if they contract the virus, according to the CDC.

The dead of Davy and Daniel Macias recalled the story of Lydia and Lawrence Rodríguez, a couple from Texas that last month he passed away a few weeks apart, leaving four children without parents. None of them had been vaccinated. Before she died, Lydia Rodríguez asked her family to make sure that her children receive the vaccine.

The Macías children, who are being looked after by Daniel’s parents, don’t quite understand what happened to their mother and father, Serey said. After Daniel died on September 9, a counselor explained to the two oldest sons, aged 7 and 5, that their parents had left. Babies spend a lot of time at night looking for mom and dad, the boys’ mother’s sister-in-law said.

In June Davy and Daniel celebrated 11 years of marriage. Davy was a nurse Kaiser Permanente Fontana Medical Center and Daniel was a high school teacher Jehue in San Bernardino County. When asked what the couple liked to do together, Serey had an answer: his hobby was his children.

Because Davy worked nights, he spent time with his children during the day. Davy’s TikTok account is almost entirely dedicated to life’s relationship with his children. A video from last year shows her with her four children, all dressed in shark costumes, dancing to Coolio’s “Gangsta’s Paradise”. In early August, the whole family contracted covid-19. While the children recovered relatively quickly, symptoms only worsened for Davy, who went to the hospital for treatment. Less than a week later, Daniel followed her.

Davy was already intubated and had stopped communicating directly with her family when her last daughter was born by Caesarean on August 18. About three days after the baby was born, Daniel was intubated. The husband and wife were separated by a few rooms at the hospital. “I didn’t know she was dead,” Davy’s sister-in-law said.

As news of the couple’s death circulated, Serey said strangers reached out to her and her husband, Davy’s brother Vong, to ask if they should get the shot. “They ask me about the side effects,” Serey said. “It’s interesting, because people want someone to give them the answer.” Your answer?

“I don’t know anyone who has died from the vaccine, but I do know people who have died from covid.” Serey said she wasn’t sure if Davy regretted not getting the coronavirus vaccine, but she got the impression Davy didn’t think she was getting seriously ill: “I don’t think she really thought it was going to get so bad. “


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